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Ask any question that you may have here. 

Please list your versions of PreShow and Kodi, along with the type of computer.  Log files are required for any specific issues.

  1. Started by TRJ,

    Hi all, when I try to watch a movie from Amazon or Netflix with PSE the sequence stops when the movie is supposed to start with a black screen. Is there any setting I need to adjust when I watch from these platforms?

  2. Started by TRJ,

    Hi all, I do not know in this is the right forum but does anyone know if you can deactivate the loading sign when you jump from one sequence to the next?

  3. Started by NightWatcherTheater,

    Is anyone else having trouble with the option to store content databases in content folder? I've tried everything

  4. Do we have official instructions on how to implement Philips Hue lights with PreShow so that they dim, shut off, and turn on at certain parts of the sequence? I want to be able to integrate this, and I've seen mentions here and there, but I just wanted to know if someone has made official instructions on how to do this. I haven't had time to actually go through the CinemaVision instructions so if they work without needing to edit, then I apologize in advance. Here are the CV instructions: Philips Hue Setup - Here Philips Hue Advanced Features - Here

  5. Is there any movement on the development of this? Would love to be able to invoke from my library view easily.

  6. Started by SFP_Matt,

    I've got 3 minutes of trivia with music randomly selected from a folder playing at 75% volume. What's happening is that at the 3 minute mark, there's an audible bump in volume on the music (sometimes just for a split second, sometimes it maintains the higher volume), and trivia hangs on whatever slide it's on. I remember in testing for getting CV to work with an earlier version of Kodi, there was something similar, but I can't quite remember the circumstances. Will update as I gather more information. Sequence runs fine without music...this does seem familiar... Just ran through again and was able to tail logs and see what was going on. Her…

  7. Started by marius,

    Edit: Nearly got it. I had the wrong username. The tutorial from CV helped me out. Also forgot an ":" after the "PUT"... But the "execute action on sequence resume" from the menu still is not working. It just says: "This action is not set or not yet applied". And another issue that just appeared is that in the editor all my actions work fine, bute when i start a movie, the first action file just instantly turns off the light instead of just dimming it. Maybe someone has an idea, what the problem could be? Hi! Yesterday I got a Hue Bridge cause I wanted to get some action files in my preshow sequence, which dimm the light and stuff like tha…

  8. Started by garzilla,

    Something is not working properly when sequences are being run automatically. When I select a movie that should play a custom sequence based on a tag, it plays the default sequence. However if I manually select the same sequence it will play it properly. See video for description. I'm getting the logs as well Think I found it. Look at the picture of the logs. The sequence name in brackets are all the same. Those were all created from the default. When I do "save as" to rename it, it doesn't change the name in the brackets for some reason. Figured it out. When you select "save as" it uses the name that is in the sequence editor as the name o…

  9. Started by agarr14,

    I have been trying to load my content and it keeps giving me an error message. Here is the log file 2023-03-20 21:22:58.500 T:2505 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): Loading Trivia (QA): [ Nightmare2_MC_2:jpg ] 2023-03-20 21:22:58.508 T:2505 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): Loading Trivia (QA): [ Nightmare2_MC_10:jpg ] 2023-03-20 21:22:58.515 T:2505 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): Loading Trivia (QA): [ Nightmare2_QA_5:jpg ] 2023-03-20 21:22:58.522 T:2505 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): Loading Trivia (QA): [ Nightmare2_MC_6:jpg ] 2023-03-20 21:22:58.528 T…

  10. Started by Stovies,

    Just to highlight that the PreShow editor isn't accessible on the Nvidia Shield. It launches but non of the buttons turn blue regardless of which direction you push the controller. Same distribution works fine on Windows, so must be a shield / kodi issue?

  11. Received an error when trying to install in Kodi 19.5. The Kodi log says: failed to find dependency script.module.youtube.dl

  12. Started by nstern2,

    Just installed the new add-on today on an up to date 64bit install of the latest version of kodi for windows and pointed it at my old cinemavision folders and tried setting up a new sequence and it looks like itunes trailers error when attempting to play them. This is the error I get in my kodi log. TMDB trailers play as they should though so it isn't a big issue, I just assume it may trip people up if it's not just my machine having issues. Everything else works like it should too. 2023-02-17 15:45:32.949 T:8872 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [VideoBumper] 'Trailers Intro' 2023-02-17 15:45:32.950 T:8872 info <general>: [-…

  13. Started by ammonrose,

    My Nvidia Shield is set to begin a screensaver when there’s no activity for more than 5 minutes. If I have Trivia play for more than 5 minutes the screensaver will activate during the trivia sequence. I can just change the Shield settings to never go to sleep or make sure it’s longer than the trivia, but just wanted to bring it up in case it’s an easy fix.

  14. Started by ammonrose,

    Any way we could have the ability to skip/ff the trivia section? Sometimes I forget to disable it depending on the audience I’m with and it’d be nice to have that ability rather than exiting, going to PreShow add on disabling trivia and going back to the movie.

  15. Hi All, I'm not sure if we are supposed to be discussing issues here or on the discord channel. For now I'll proceed here. I have installed PreShow and it seems to be working well, however, it is not displaying the rating screen prior to the move. This does work fine in Cinemavision. I have tried both importing a sequence from CV and creating a new sequence in PSE. I have included some log exerts below. Please let me know what else you might need to help resolve this problem. Some log exerts follow: 12:33:52.840 T:30989 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Language: en- 2023-02-04 12:33:52.840 T:30989 info <general>: […

  16. Started by NightWatcherTheater,

    Is anyone else having issues with the editor selection screen not letting you select Play with the arrow keys ?? You have to push down when on the Edit Sequence instead of arrowing over to the play button ( on Android )

  17. Started by ammonrose,

    I recently looked into CinemaVision and couldn't get it to work. I was just about to post about it when I saw that PreShow had become the successor to CinemaVision. I just created an account. Downloaded the zip file and uploaded it in Kodi. I'm using Kodi 20.0.0 and it says "Failed to install add-on from zip file". I am using an Nvidia Shield TV Pro (2019), does this work with this? Let me know what I can do to get this to work because I truly love this idea, I just haven't had the chance to actually give it a try.

    • 2 replies
  18. Hi people! I got the following two problems. I use Kodi v20 on a Xbox one X and PSE isnt working correctly. - The Preview is working fine, excepte the audio format bumper. They are only played if I choose a specific file.. If I choose auto-select-mode, the audio bumper is just being skipped in the preview. So my question is, if there is a specific way, the files in the audio format bumpers must be named. I got different audio trailers in nearly effery folder, but nothing works. - If i try to start a movie with preview, it only worked one time. But also without audio bumper. All the other times i can only see the "queue" menue and when I select the movie and…