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Need help


Hello all,

At first, sorry if make mistakes but i'm French 😊.

I've been wanting to automatically play trailers (DTS, THX, etc.) before starting a film in KODI for a long time now, and I understand that this addon makes it possible. The films and trailers are local on my PC.
However, I haven't understood how to automate this and especially how to use it when watching a film...

If anyone could help me that would be great...

Thanks to all


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You mentioned local movies and trailers. I'm not sure where you are in the process of setting up PreShow, so here is an overview of what you need to do to create a sequence for trailers a & audio format bumpers.

  1. Open PreShow Experience in your addons.   
  2. If you haven't set up your content folder, click the settings button in the top right and add the content folder with the first item in the general tab in the settings.
  3. If you are only wanting to use local trailers, while in settings go into the trailers tab and make sure that only 'Trailers: PreShow Trailers Folder" is selected.
  4. Copy your trailers to the "Trailers" folder in your PreShow content folder.
  5. Go to this site and download the Audio Format Bumpers Starter Set.  Extract them to your "Audio Format Bumpers" folder in your PreShow content folder.
  6. Now create a new sequence in PreShow.  It's the top left button.
  7. Click the Edit sequence button.
  8. Add a module for Trailers
  9. Edit the trailers module to select the number of trailers that you want to show.
  10. Move the cursor to the right and add a module for Audio Format Bumpers.
  11. Move the cursor to the right and add a module for Feature.
  12. Hit escape and go back to the main menu to save the sequence.  It's the 3rd button from the top left.
  13. Play the sequence in the editor just to make sure it works.

Now go to movies open the information context menu and select PreShow Experience to show your trailers and audio format bumpers before your movie.

If this works and is how you want things going forward, you can go into the settings under the Playback tab and click "hide queue editor."

Let me know if you have any issues.

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