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  2. Thanks for your help ! It's been a success, i used the service "Kodi.callmethod" in Home Assistant with this YAML script : " service: kodi.call_method target: entity_id: media_player.192_168_1_54 data: method: 'Addons.ExecuteAddon' addonid: 'script.preshowexperience' params: movieid: '140' " And the movie start now with PSE !
  3. Today
  4. Yesterday
  5. It's been a looooong while since I've messed with this , but here is the full thing to play a movie with preshow using HA. The script below requires parameters unique to your setup at the top, replace everything inside the '' including the brackets. This script is designed to return a list of all movies that have been unwatched and does not contain any movies with the tag of christmas, holiday, or Concert. It also excludes movies with the genre of Documentary (you can change this if you like). Once a random movie is selected, a few data points are output to a csv file for history tracking, this is not required for functionality, just a fun thing to look back on the history of what has been watched. If all has gone well, the movie should start with the preshow experience sequence designated for that movie based the on criteria that is set for sequences in the preshow experience addon. #Returns a list movie and movie ID #required param ID $username ='[kodi web username]' $pawd = '[kodi web userpassword]' $hostname = '[host ip address]' $port = '[web port number]' $secpwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $pawd -AsPlainText -Force $CSVfilepath = '[full path of csv file, including the name of the file]' ########################################################################### ########################################################################### $data = @{ 'jsonrpc' = '2.0' 'method' = 'VideoLibrary.GetMovies' 'id' = 1 params = @{ properties = @('genre','playcount','year') filter = @{ and = @{ field = 'playcount' operator = 'lessthan' value = '1' }, @{ field = "tag" operator = "doesnotcontain" value = @('Christmas','Holiday','Concert') }, @{ field = "genre" operator = "doesnotcontain" value = "Documentary" }, @{ field = "tag" operator = "doesnotcontain" value = "concert" } } } } $json = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $url = 'http://'+$hostname+':'+$port+'/jsonrpc' $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpwd) $webreq = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Credential $mycreds -Body $json -ContentType application/json -Method POST $unwatchedrandommovie = ($webreq.content|convertfrom-json).result.movies|get-random ########################################################################### ########################################################################### #Store the movie ID in a variable $pickedmovie = $unwatchedrandommovie ########################################################################### #Append movie to CSV file for tracking $now = Get-Date $Content = [PSCustomObject]@{MovieName = $pickedmovie.label; DateWatched=$now; Genre=$pickedmovie.genre[0];ReleaseYear=$pickedmovie.year|out-string} #Append to CSV $Content| Export-Csv -Path $CSVfilepath -Append -NoTypeInformation ########################################################################### ########################################################################### #Starts a PreShow Experience sequence $movieid = $pickedmovie.movieid $data = @{ 'jsonrpc' = '2.0' 'method' = 'Addons.ExecuteAddon' 'id' = 1 params = @{ addonid = 'script.preshowexperience' params = @{movieid = "$movieid"} } } $json = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $url = 'http://'+$hostname+':'+$port+'/jsonrpc' $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpwd) Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Credential $mycreds -Body $json -ContentType application/json -Method POST |out-null Store this in a powershell file somewhere on your desktop or server. Next, you will need the HA agent installed on the machine that the script lives on...this is the forked version of the agent that is actively supported, but you can use the OG version if you like, but it is no longer actively being updated. https://github.com/hass-agent/HASS.Agent Once installed, and configured for your HA instance; create a Powershell command with entity type 'button'..give it a name and friendly name and point to the script using the full path of the script Afterwards you should have a button in the MQTT integration that initiates the script...you can do whatever you like with it from here. I have an automation that stops whatever is playing, clears the playlist, then starts the script which kicks off the preshow sequence. If you use this automation you will need to replace the media_player names with your kodi instance name and also the name of the button to whatever you named it in the Hass Agent. alias: Andrew Office - Kodi - PreShow Experience - Random Movie - Everyday sequence: - alias: Stop Currently Playing Item service: kodi.call_method metadata: {} data: method: Input.ExecuteAction action: stop target: entity_id: media_player.kodi_instancename - alias: Clear Current Playlist service: kodi.call_method metadata: {} data: method: Playlist.Clear playlistid: 0 target: entity_id: media_player.kodi_instancename - service: button.press metadata: {} data: {} target: entity_id: button.name of button entity for kodi script - alias: Open Player service: kodi.call_method metadata: {} data: method: Player.Open item: playlistid: 0 position: 0 target: entity_id: media_player.kodi_instancename mode: single icon: mdi:kodi Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions. I don't come here much so you can send me a message on discord if you like. Discord name: shredder5262
  6. You might want to look into kodi.call_method in Home Assistant. I haven't played a movie from inside home assistant, though when I've got more time I intend to do it. For now I have a powershell script that can play a movie, thanks to some guidance from a user on the old addon board called shredder(?). Here's the chunk of powershell code I use to generate the call. You can pick out your method/parameters etc from in there. It may not be much, but it should be able to get you started. Let me know what you come up with--so I can steal that too! $data = @{ 'jsonrpc' = '2.0' 'method' = 'Addons.ExecuteAddon' 'id' = 1 params = @{ addonid = 'script.preshowexperience' params = @{movieid = "$pickedmovieid"} } } $json = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $url = 'http://'+$playerip+':'+$playerport+'/jsonrpc' $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpwd) Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Credential $mycreds -Body $json -ContentType application/json -Method POST #-AllowUnencryptedAuthentication
  7. Hi ! I try to improve the hc experience and right now i can start playing a movie in Kodi from home assistant with the API Call Method i've found here : https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/kodi/ But only the movie is playing, i can't find how to send the information from HA to Kodi to play the movie with Preshow Experience. Does anyone know how to do it ?
  8. Last week
  9. @EpitaphNice double feature. I own Christine, but haven't seen The Last American Virgin in decades.
  10. Following the @Polargeek theme of movies I can watch repeatedly. (your choices are great movies btw) First is a typical 80's raunchy teen movie, The Last American Virgin, that most people have not heard of. It seems to have flown under the radar. I wont spoil the movie(for those that haven't seen it) but you will understand why I like it by the end. Great music also, being a teen through the 80's was awesome! The second is Christine. Great movie but differs wildly from the book. I could watch this on repeat. LOL
  11. @Polargeek Nice. Thanks for posting those PG. I remember seeing Deep Blue Sea in the theater. For whatever reason, I decided I wanted to make a day out of dinner and a movie. We went to breakfast and a 10am showing of The 6th Sense in 1 city. We then drove to another city where we had lunch and saw Detroit Rock City. And then we drove to a city in a different state for dinner and saw the final showing of Deep Blue Sea. I think we did something else in each city, but 25 years later I couldn't say what that was. But I do remember seeing all 3 of those films in the same day. I think matinees were like $3-5 and the evening show was $5-7. I don't know if I could afford to do that now.
  12. Earlier
  13. So 1999 was a good year for films with one of my all-time celebrity crushes, Saffron Burrows. March brought us a movie many despise and that I love - Wing Commander. And then July brought us Deep Blue Sea, one of my favourite shark movies. I can watch these movies back-to-back multiple times a year even 25 years later.
  14. When I was a kid, my parents had a blacked out room with a massive 35-40" TV. I would invite friends over and would ask them to bring a rented VHS tape over and we'd watch that, along with something that I selected. One time I put on one of my favorite movies, The Road Warrior. As we were watching it, my buddy kept saying that it reminded him so much of his movie and he thought that maybe the same actor played the main character in both movies. And then we put on his favorite movie: Mad Max. We were young and there wasn't an internet for us to learn about movies, so we had no idea that they were sequels. We obviously became best friends after. I've always loved having double features for my movie nights. Is that something that you do? I spend a lot of time trying to find short films, commercials and other content to set the appropriate mood for the movies. My double features may be by the same director, have an actor in common, or have some sort of shared bond in theme, time period or setting. I would love to hear some movies that you think work well together as a double feature. Here are the rules: Post 2 movies with trailers and explain why they work well together. Unlike my accental example, don't use sequels. I look forward to seeing what you think are great double features.
  15. oops... did not realize where I was viewing... nor that my status had changed to "supporter".
  16. @Epitaph Sorry, I haven't explained the details about these yet. This is currently in the supporter early access section. I created this section to give people that have supported PreShow the opportunity to download content that I am working on. When I have time to test it in my home theater, I'll make sure there aren't any issues and then create the zip. Also, if supporters want to test it for me, just let me know that you watched a couple files and that everything played fine. I'm not really looking for critiques on the video itself, just a note about if plays and sounds ok. When I get through the current backlog of bumper sets (I currently have ~30 sets rendered that I am working on audio), I will then start releasing 1 bumper set a month to the bumper sets available to everyone. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  17. Am I overlooking a zip download containing the set?
  18. Modern Shockwave Bumper Set View File 4k Modern Shockwave bumper set with surround sound. Videos include: Courtesy Feature Intro Feature Outro Intermission Theater Intro Theater Outro Trailers Intro Trailers Outro Trivia Intro Trivia Outro Sponsors PreShow Experience Submitter Matt Submitted 07/13/2024 Category Supporter Early Access  
  19. Ancient Gold Bumper Set View File Ancient Gold bumper set with surround sound. Videos include: Courtesy Feature Intro Feature Outro Intermission Theater Intro Theater Outro Trailers Intro Trailers Outro Trivia Intro Trivia Outro Sponsors PreShow Experience Submitter Matt Submitted 07/13/2024 Category PreShow Bumper Sets  
  20. I misuse some of the video bumper folders. I need one only for ice cream commercials for example. And I have a folder with only blackscreen videos without sound which differ in length. Pse plays a random one at the beginning of a sequence so that I dont know, when the commercisls are going to start, to make it feel more like cinema.
  21. If its there im useing it If your coming to my theater your on for the full experience.. I'll stick gum underneath your seat if i have to ...
  22. Submitted mine. My answers were typical usage, but on occasion I've been known to use additional modules like Audio Format, Outros, Courtesy, Countdown. I haven't tried the Loop module yet. I also have specific genre-based sequences for horror films and certain sci-fi films.
  23. I'm always interested to see how people use PreShow. Please let me know what modules you use and feel free so share any description of what you do with your PreShows?
  24. Matt

    Credits Action don't work

    @KHCthanks for reporting back. I will add a few additional debug lines to the next dev version to try to figure out what's going on with your system. I'll PM you when it is ready so that we can discuss in more detail.
  25. KHC

    Credits Action don't work

    Thanks ! I tried with the dev version, now the action work when i run the test button in the settings, but the action don't work when i am at the last chapter of the movie...
  26. Awesome. It's always nice when something works.
  27. Right you are! It worked a treat, thanks so much.
  28. You should be able to do that already. Go into the PreShow settings and then to the trailers category. Enable Kodi Database (YouTube). This pulls whatever info Kodi has for the movie, which for most people will be YouTube links. If you have local files it will scan those. Then make sure you go to the general tab and rescan your content. Next edit your sequence and edit the trailer module. You want the source to be content and the scraper to be Kodi Database. Let me know if that works for you.
  29. Would it be possible for PSE to scrape Kodi video sources for local trailers, instead of relying on the trailer folder in the content path? Over the years, I accumulated dozens of movie trailers with uncompressed HD audio that are saved in the corresponding movie folders, e.g.: Dune Part Two (2024) Dune Part Two (2024)-trailer Kodi automatically picks these up when I play trailers from the movie information screen. It would be awesome if I could tap into my existing collection without needing to manually copy them into the content path, also considering that doing so would double my storage requirements.
  30. The reason would be related to the use of the action files. Without PSE running that actions, such as end credits, would not take effect. I will post a feature request as you requested. Thanks
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