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MidnightWatcher last won the day on August 30

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  1. The resolution of the slides are high, but when they're shown on PreShow Experience they're a lower resolution? If yes, that is not normative. You've double checked that the files in the PSE library that are being used are in fact high resolution?
  2. Submitted mine. My answers were typical usage, but on occasion I've been known to use additional modules like Audio Format, Outros, Courtesy, Countdown. I haven't tried the Loop module yet. I also have specific genre-based sequences for horror films and certain sci-fi films.
  3. I'm using an HTPC with Windows 10.
  4. I have Arctic Zephyr Reloaded installed on Kodi 21 and PreShow Experience shows in the context menu.
  5. I meant on Kodi (not the App).
  6. If you long press a title does it bring up a menu? Is PreShow Experience not an option near the bottom of the list?
  7. It will use Kodi's built in videoplayer by default. If you don't have an external player intentionally configured then you're OK.
  8. Hmm, try another skin. I use Arctic Zephyr Reloaded and am able to upload logs (using a Windows 10 PC with Kodi 21 Omega).
  9. It may sound trivial, but make sure the movie contains chapters as well. You'll also need to make sure you're playing video with Kodi's built-in videoplayer (and not an external player for videos).
  10. I use Yatse on my Android phone.
  11. I skip Trivia with Page Up on the keyboard. I use local trailers without any issues. I don't get the "Working" pop up between each video. Other issues don't affect me either. Bottom line is with some skin/settings tweaking it should be working the way you like in no time.
  12. Yes, shows on mine. Some skins may need you to enable chapter markers.
  13. Is there a reason why you want to use an action file to play/pause and not the remote (or phone/keyboard)?
  14. Working for me. My primary sequence is: Dim Hue Lights For Trivia > Trivia > Trailers Intro > Dim Hue Lights For Trailers > 4x Trailers (in local folder) > Feature Presentation Intro > Hue Lights Off > Movie
  15. I haven't updated PSE on my Windows 10 HTPC since (I think) 0.2.0 as I only download trailers locally currently and that works well for me so far. I'm waiting on a 0.2.6 release before updating.
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