Other Files
6 files
A growing collection of over 900 new and improved logos for the MoviePosterApp to refresh your digital movie poster with a pop of color. Many studio logos are now also double the resolution to look their best on 4K displays. Also included are colorized audio logos, a new resolution logo and updated higher-res MPAA ratings. To use, just unzip the file and move the Aspect Ratio, Audio, MPAA, Resolution and Studio folders to the corresponding folder located in Images > Themes > Default > Logos of your MoviePoster App directory (if you're not using the Default theme just put them in your customized theme folder instead). Suggestions are welcome!
Modified Movie Poster App
This is a modified version of the movie poster app from Great Dane Cinema. Modified to work with Preshow experience to show the preshow logos during your sequence.
This is temporary solution until the Great Dane Cinema Can be requested to make the necessary changes to the program ..
Youtube dl files have been updated as of 1-11-25 for Preview Trailers to work
Some other modifications Icons Ect. for my preferences were added for my build and are not Part of the original authors program
App Instalation
Downloaded the 7zip file, simply extract the contents using 7-Zip to a location of your choice and run the MoviePoster.exe file to launch the program.
create desktop shortcuts or start menu shortcut for the main program Exe , You movie poster apps Temp Cache , And your Movie Posters Storage folder for ease of access..
Temp Cache Location Example C:\Users\<your pc name>\AppData\Local\MoviePoster
Movie posters default Storage location Example C:\Users\<your pc name>\Documents\MoviePoster
About Movie Poster App
MoviePoster digital poster display software is what your home theater has been missing! MoviePoster is designed to run on a Windows PC connected to a large LCD display in portrait format. The software automatically downloads and displays digital movie posters for display in your custom home theater. Gone are the days of changing out a paper poster. MoviePoster will automatically cycle through posters for upcoming movies, or you can even define your own custom list. Now you can quickly and easily change your poster display in seconds. Along with the poster itself, MoviePoster will display metadata and even thr trailer for the movie!
Great Dane Cinema
https://movieposterapp.com -
Volume Normalizer Master
This is the program i use to level the volume on my bumpers , Since i use Passthrough audio with kodi the volume adjustments in Preshow wont work with some of my bumpers so i found this to level them all to the same volume . Its convenient to use you can pick a file to match the rest of your bumpers to or pick one of the various other ways to level the volume.. The FREE version has a limit of ONE Minute of audio , But is plenty in most cases for bumpers if longer is needed You can purchase or feel feel free to contact me and i can help... Hope this program helps on keeping those rouge bumpers from popping your eardrums ...
Additional info:
The application can adjust audio volume in various ways. It matches the volumes of separate files. If you have several songs with different volume levels you want to write to a CD, use this software to adjust volume levels of each song so they sound similar. The target volume level can be average of all tracks, or just as same as the volume of other audio or video file.
The application can also maximize volume. Each file will be amplified as loud as possible without changing its dynamic range and clipping audio track.
You can also change the sound level directly, by specifying a custom dB value or percentage.