Everything posted by MidnightWatcher
Projector location
My JVC X790 projector is behind the first row and just above the second row. I set it about 12 feet back from lens to screen to allow a 10-foot screen at the shortest throw to maximize brightness. If I ever need to replace it I'll likely get a JVC NZ500 and set it about 16 feet back to accommodate a 10-foot screen at the longest throw to maximize contrast (it'll be plenty bright).
What video bumpers do you use in your PreShow sequences?
I've sometimes used an audio format bumper on occasion.
Extra MoviePosterApp Icons
A growing collection of over 900 new and improved logos for the MoviePosterApp to refresh your digital movie poster with a pop of color. Many studio logos are now also double the resolution to look their best on 4K displays. Also included are colorized audio logos, a new resolution logo and updated higher-res MPAA ratings. To use, just unzip the file and move the Aspect Ratio, Audio, MPAA, Resolution and Studio folders to the corresponding folder located in Images > Themes > Default > Logos of your MoviePoster App directory (if you're not using the Default theme just put them in your customized theme folder instead). Suggestions are welcome! -
Downloads: Extra MoviePosterApp Icons
Extra MoviePosterApp Icons A growing collection of over 900 new and improved logos for the MoviePosterApp to refresh your digital movie poster with a pop of color. Many studio logos are now also double the resolution to look their best on 4K displays. Also included are colorized audio logos, a new resolution logo and updated higher-res MPAA ratings. To use, just unzip the file and move the Aspect Ratio, Audio, MPAA, Resolution and Studio folders to the corresponding folder located in Images > Themes > Default > Logos of your MoviePoster App directory (if you're not using the Default theme just put them in your customized theme folder instead). Suggestions are welcome! File Information Submitter MidnightWatcher Submitted 02/07/2025 Category Other Files View File
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
Actually all you need is a free graphics program called Gimp to make your own customized banners. Once installed go to File > New and for the image size enter either 2160 x 200 (to create a UHD banner) or 1080 x 100 (to create a HD banner) and before clicking OK I'd recommend to select Advanced and change Fill With: Background color to Fill With: Transparency. Then select OK and start experimenting with adding hardware logos and/or text. Be sure to Export As a PNG file once done. Attached are two examples that I've made to replace the default Coming Soon and Welcome banners. https://www.gimp.org/downloads/
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
FYI - I've made a ton more logos and have now even began making them in higher resolution to maximize the quality on 4K screens. When I see any movie poster missing the studio logo I'll make a note, review the poster NFO to get the studio name and keep making more. The "official" release can be found here. My only issue is sometimes the studio name has a slash "/" in it on the NFO file and I'm not sure how to accommodate the logo filename in order to pull up and display the logo for that poster. Out of the hundreds I've looked at I've found 5 of these so far.
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
I had this happen to me once. Turns out my Kodi HTPC was turned off and it was trying to connect. Make sure Kodi is on and that it can connect to it. Also, if you overwrote your current install with this I wonder if the configuration file in the kodi / xbmc plugins directory is pointing to the wrong IP address? Check that also and update to your IP address if necessary.
Issue with volume levels for certain types being incorrect
If you post a log file that should help to identify the root of the problem.
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
Updated more logos this morning, see Logos v1.4.zip above for the latest.
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
See attachment for what I've done so far. Logos v1.4.zip
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
No, I made some of those myself. It's easy to find transparent png logos online and resize them for the MoviePosterApp using something like Paint.net or Gimp.
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
Instead of custom posters I've now decided to compile a folder with a selection of 1080×1920 movie-themed wallpapers to fill the screen. Only thing I had to tweak further was adding an outline to the banner text so that it was clearly legible for every screen. I think I like it. Edit: 1080×1920 wallpaper art can be found here: https://hdqwalls.com/1080x1920/movies-wallpapers/page/1
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
Here’s how it looks after bit of tweaking. I’d like to be able to either hide or center the bottom audio / AR / resolution icons to make it looks more symmetrical but haven’t found a way to do that yet. Custom posters (eg. RoboCop) are missing all bottom icons entirely. Looks more complete when everything is populated (eg. Doctor Strange). Unfortunately development on the MoviePosterApp seems to have halted for over a year and not sure if any updates will be coming any time soon.
Kodi News: Kodi 21.2 "Omega" - Release
No issues on my end that I've come across.
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
Got it working, though in my Plugins folder it was KodiMediaInterface and not XBMCmediaInterface. I noticed the issue after realizing I suddenly had two Kodi tabs in the Settings Plugin menu. Quick question in case you know the answer. When the MoviePosterApp first loads up the original “Coming Soon” banner appears at the top of the screen briefly (and five white stars at the bottom right). I've created my own theme and am using custom banners but for the life of me I can't figure out where that original “Coming Soon” banner and the five stars are being pulled from. I’d like to get rid of it if possible. Any ideas?
RIP David Lynch
I’d have to say Dune. I also saw Elephant Man as a kid that left quite an impression.
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
I believe so, but isn't it only required to view trailers?
Downloads: Movie Poster App -modded-
If the MoviePosterApp is already installed, what files(s) from this one should I copy and overwrite specifically in my current installation?
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, Matt!
What is your favorite holiday movie?
My three are (in no particular order): National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation A Christmas Story Scrooge (1970) I hope they release a 4K for Scrooge some day! Edit: What makes a movie — any movie — a “Christmas movie” for me is whether or not the backdrop of the film takes place during the holidays (and there’s the occasional scene that includes Christmas lights or a Christmas tree or Christmas music). Yes, I consider Die Hard and even the recent Netflix film “Carry-On” both Christmas movies. Other notable mentions would be Gremlins, The Sound of Music, The Long Kiss Goodnight.
A good scary movie?
The Conjuring films are my favorites. They're a must watch imho for October. And January, March, July and August. 😁
Trivia Images show low res and blurry.
The resolution of the slides are high, but when they're shown on PreShow Experience they're a lower resolution? If yes, that is not normative. You've double checked that the files in the PSE library that are being used are in fact high resolution?
What do you use in your PreShow Experience?
Submitted mine. My answers were typical usage, but on occasion I've been known to use additional modules like Audio Format, Outros, Courtesy, Countdown. I haven't tried the Loop module yet. I also have specific genre-based sequences for horror films and certain sci-fi films.
Can't get kodi to start preshowexperience
I'm using an HTPC with Windows 10.
Can't get kodi to start preshowexperience
I have Arctic Zephyr Reloaded installed on Kodi 21 and PreShow Experience shows in the context menu.