PreShow Content
Discuss bumpers, trailers, trivia and anything else that can be shown during the PreShow Experience
197 topics in this forum
Starting this post here to share classic, funny, unusual and mainly movie related commercials that could be used in PSE sequences. Please feel free to share whatever you found on open sources. Starting with some cool Walmart Commercials......Hillarious "...they got basil!.....What?" Unfortunately i could only find this in 720p, not in FullHD or 4k
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It was uploaded on CinemaVision, but they weren't 4K. If someone knows how to make these 4K I'd be eternally grateful! Vue Cinema Pre Show 1.mkv Vue Cinema Pre Show 2.mkv
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The Apple iTunes Movie Trailers site has been shut down. Because of this iTunes trailers in PreShow will no longer work. I'll post more when there is additional news.
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I'm getting ready to fully generate my Oscar slides. My version of Canva (free) is limited to generate at 1380x760 but I am considering upgrading to save them at a higher resolution. I'm not sure what resolution to save at, so I wanted to get some input on that. Also, since this has been a labor of love, I am considering using an online file resizer for free but I wasn't sure about quality of that vs exporting them from Canva at the higher resolution.... All total we're looking at approximately 500 slides covering Best Actor, Best Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, and Best picture winners from the very first Oscars to 2022. I attached some exam…
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View File Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Enjoy this Happy Thanksgiving bumper in 4k with 5.1 surround. Submitter Matt Submitted 11/25/2024 Category Holiday Bumpers
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Hi I am loving that there is a new pre-show option that has updated the prior cinema vision. I am however running into some problems. First I have set up the sequences in the editor and I have random trailer intros that it plays from a directory. I also have a technology bumper which is a single file, it then goes to audio format which is also a directory of random audio format files. I have a trailer option which selects the newest trailers based on genre and rating of feature. The problem it's skipping certain things at random, so I test it and it will play my Concessions intro and then skip trailer intro and go to play trailers. It seems to not be pulling new trai…
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Hi Folks, does anybody here have a nice looking video clip of a cinema curtain that could be used as starting point of a sequence, e. g. Theater intro and is willing to share? I found some Clips on YouTube but unfortunately not very convincing (bad video quality, bad resolution, distracting texts, logos or commercials). I can offer to share links to what i found through PM with anybody who is interested.
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Thank you so much for your work. I have a ton of the CV Trivia slides that I have been using for a while. A problem I have is that for trivia all of the images show up blurry and look very low resolution. Any help is appreciated TY!
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Vue PreShow PSA View File Hello. Makes you notice, doesn’t it, a little bit of darkness? Refines the senses. Focuses the mind. It’s time to enjoy the big screen experience with no distractions, no sudden ringtones, no glaring screens, no talking. So sit back, relax, switch off your phone, and switch off from the outside world. Submitter Matt Submitted 02/21/2023 Category Bumpers
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I'm always interested to see how people use PreShow. Please let me know what modules you use and feel free so share any description of what you do with your PreShows?
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Modern Shockwave Bumper Set View File 4k Modern Shockwave bumper set with surround sound. Videos include: Courtesy Feature Intro Feature Outro Intermission Theater Intro Theater Outro Trailers Intro Trailers Outro Trivia Intro Trivia Outro Sponsors PreShow Experience Submitter Matt Submitted 07/13/2024 Category Supporter Early Access
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I thought we could share links to Theatre intros. I'll start: Cortina abrindo Cinema Projector intro Regal Coaster 2019 Regal Roller Coaster Policy Trailer General Cinema (2001-2002) Consolidated Theatres Policy Regency Theatres Policy Trailer Regency Theatres Feature Presentation AMC Theatres. We Make Movies Better. Theater Intro Template *No Plugins Required* Redd Hills Cinema Opening Video
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I have found a bunch of movie theater etiquitte/policy videos. Feel free to add your favorites. HITCHCOCK: Turn Your Phones Off PSA Movie Theater Courtesy | 28 | Manners Monday Mr. Bean Cinema Policy Trailer (1997) [4K] [FTD-0911] AMC Policy Trailer - Dr. Seuss' The Lorax AMC Policy Spot - Minions vs. Evil Minion - DESPICABLE ME 2 Resist the Urge - Madagascar 3 at AMC Theatres! Ice Age: Continental Drift - AMC Policy Trailer - John Leguizamo, Ray Romano, Denis Leary Epic The Movie: Cell Phone Policy Trailer AMC Theatres Policy Trailer | The Muppets Minions -- Regal Crown Club Loyalty Card -- Regal Cinemas [HD] Robots Mobile Phone Policy (2…
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View File DTS-X Audio Format Bumpers The following DTS-X Audio Format Bumpers are included: DTS-X - Sound Unbound (HD)(DTSX7.1).mkv DTS-X - All Around Us (HD)(DTSX7.1).mkv DTS-X - Listen (HD)(DTSX7.1).mkv DTS-X - Listen 2 (HD)(DTSX7.1).mkv Files should be placed in the "/Audio Format Bumpers/DTS-X" directory of your PreShow Content folder. Submitter Matt Submitted 10/31/2023 Category Audio…
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Greetings fellow cinema enthusiasts. I would like to use some commercial prints for my PreShow. I have no clue what the correct way is to accomplish this. I guess it should be working just like Trivia does, Since they are also images. Only my images could be in any order. and need to be working in a slide. Here are some examples of images that could be inserted to clear things up
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View File Christmas Trivia This themed deck of trivia slides is for a selection of Christmas movies and TV specials The Multiple Choice slides can be used with glow sticks to make this deck interactive for your guests. The deck includes a number of slides from several different categories including: Multiple Choice 20 Quotes 12 Additionally, there is a second file in this download that includes the templates used so if you are so inclined you could make some more. Submitter Polargeek …
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People have mentioned seasonal or holiday bumpers. How many bumpers would you actually use? Christmas makes sense because it is thought of as a period of time and more than the single day. Are bumpers for other holidays of interest/value to you?
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Hello, Is it possible to set the order of the trivia slides rather than random? I recall in CinemaVision there was a XML sort function, but I'm not finding this for the PreShow Experience. If there's another way to do this, please let me know. Thank you!
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PreShow Halloween 2023 - Enjoy the Feature Film View File Submitter Matt Submitted 10/17/2023 Category Holiday Bumpers
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I have some slides I want to make, specifically Oscar related. I have the data with the names, years, etc.... links to the posters and actor images from TMDB, and I have a background. Now I'm struggling with finding a way to bulk create the slides so they can all have text/photos in the same spots and sizes.... I tried canva but it looks like I would need to download and resize every photo or poster manually first, I was hoping there was some way to do a bulk import and have it pull down the images. I did find another site that would let me do that but their pricing was a little high for my tastes..... does anyone have any suggestions?
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Bambi Meets Godzilla Short Film (1969) View File Submitter Matt Submitted 04/02/2023 Category Short Films
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How do you organize your trivia? Currently I have my slides in sub-folders for each type or theme of slides. When the trivia plays I notice that it will show slides from one or two folders that contain a high slide count and perhaps show a slide from a different folder that doesn't have as many slides in them. I was wondering if there is a better way to organize the slides to get a better balance of the slides shown. I know I could rename the slides to make them play a particular order, bu that would be the same show over and over until I renamed all the slides again.
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View File Graveyard Halloween Feature Intro This is a 4k Halloween "Enjoy the movie" bumper with surround sound. Submitter Matt Submitted 06/14/2024 Category Holiday Bumpers
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Let me know if there's any general bumper text that people think should be created.
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View File PreShow Halloween Ghost Enjoy this short PreShow ghost bumper for Halloween 2024. Submitter Matt Submitted 10/07/2024 Category Holiday Bumpers
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