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Ask any question that you may have here. 

Please list your versions of PreShow and Kodi, along with the type of computer.  Log files are required for any specific issues.

  1. Started by Epitaph,

    I can get trailers from TMDB but IMDB is crashing when previewing. 2024-03-16 20:54:03.760 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [VideoBumper] 'Theater Intro' 2024-03-16 20:54:03.761 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Via source 2024-03-16 20:54:03.768 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [VideoBumper] 'Trailers Intro' 2024-03-16 20:54:03.769 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Via source 2024-03-16 20:54:03.788 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [Trailer] content x 1 2024-03-16 20:54:03.818 T:23980 info <gene…

  2. Started by rinvo,

    Buongiorno, cortesemente c'è una gida che spiega bene come avviene l'installazione di PS ,una volta scaricato .ad esempio : dove creare le cartelle che contengono i vari paraurti ecc. grazie

  3. Hi everyone / Matt, is it / how is it possible to make PSE play a Theatre Intro movie endlessly until I press a key on my remote (Fast Forward or whatelse skips within the sequence)? I would like to have a still picture and a song at the beginning (opening the cinema, guests are coming) as long as it takes. Then I press a key and the preshow continues. I've tried a loop but don't know what kind of "Condition" should I mark? (Any help?) Also I've tried a Trivia with several slides of the same picture and a music file in the background. Works - but the music doesn't loop. What's the best way to have an intro endlessly with an exit? Thank you …

  4. First off - thanks for this great contribution to the kodi eco-sphere. I only have one issue. I notice that for some of the modules in my sequence (e.g. a folder of theatrical prevues) - they play at 60% volume. In every area I can change the volume--in the setup, but also in the sequence editor setting for the associated module--it is set to 100%. But upon playback I can see it's at 60%. Another module (trailers) plays as expected. And then when the film itself plays, the volume returns to where Kodi was previously set at. I tried digging right into the .seq file I exported, and also the files in addon_data but don't see where it's pulling these volume changes. Any idea…

  5. Started by nstern2,

    Just installed the new add-on today on an up to date 64bit install of the latest version of kodi for windows and pointed it at my old cinemavision folders and tried setting up a new sequence and it looks like itunes trailers error when attempting to play them. This is the error I get in my kodi log. TMDB trailers play as they should though so it isn't a big issue, I just assume it may trip people up if it's not just my machine having issues. Everything else works like it should too. 2023-02-17 15:45:32.949 T:8872 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [VideoBumper] 'Trailers Intro' 2023-02-17 15:45:32.950 T:8872 info <general>: [-…

  6. Started by acid303,

    Hello, I speak German and try to describe my problem in English. I have Kodi 20.5 with preshow 0.30. If I take video bumpers and theater intro a file via single file, it plays all the files it contains. not the only file I want to take. I hope you can understand my problem. Thanks

  7. Hoping someone can shed light on this, Ive got a fresh Kodi 20.2 installed to Mac OS Catalina. I've downloaded the modified Estuary Skin and PSE script. Installing the modified Estuary went fine, but as soon as I attempt to install the PSE script 1.2, Kodi crashes to desktop. I've also tried the 1.1 version of the script, same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  8. Hello, I have several films with chapter markers and have activated the action: "dim the lights up" at the last chapter, but unfortunately it hasn't worked with any film so far. The action function during general playback with PSE works perfectly. I use a ShieldTV with Kodi Omega. Is there any way to get this function to work or do I have to set something up beforehand? Thank you in advance.

  9. How would you best recommend accomplishing this? I was thinking of using python and the StartAndroidActivity() function, but I was running into errors. Has anyone successfully figured out how to launch an app? I'm basically wanting to launch VLC on sequence pause with a pseaction to emulate a commercial since we dont have the function to add markers mid-features yet. Edit: Bonus points if you know how to launch a video already playing - I'm thinking of using tasker to auto play video once VLC launches.

  10. Started by TRJ,

    Hi all, I do not know in this is the right forum but does anyone know if you can deactivate the loading sign when you jump from one sequence to the next?

  11. Started by Enermax,

    Hello all, At first, sorry if make mistakes but i'm French 😊. I've been wanting to automatically play trailers (DTS, THX, etc.) before starting a film in KODI for a long time now, and I understand that this addon makes it possible. The films and trailers are local on my PC. However, I haven't understood how to automate this and especially how to use it when watching a film... If anyone could help me that would be great... Thanks to all

  12. Started by starslayer74,

    *Fixed* - Issue was that there were multiple sequences set up as the default, so it was failing. I only needed one sequence for my system, so I removed the others and it is working as expected now. ---------------- I set up the addon and built out my outline. It plays fine from the editor but when I attempt to play a movie using the addon, I get an error. I have attached the log here: https://paste.kodi.tv/qarojafej

    • 0 replies
  13. Started by Stovies,

    Just to highlight that the PreShow editor isn't accessible on the Nvidia Shield. It launches but non of the buttons turn blue regardless of which direction you push the controller. Same distribution works fine on Windows, so must be a shield / kodi issue?

  14. Hi everyone. Beginner here. I managed to install preshow on my shield. Also installed both the modified rapier skin and the aeon knox skin. No matter what I do, with either skins, I can't get the context menu to show any options to launch a sequence from preshow experience. I tried searching around for answes, but I can't find anything adressing this issue. I am using the shield remote. Thank you in advance! Any help is much appreciated.

  15. Do we have official instructions on how to implement Philips Hue lights with PreShow so that they dim, shut off, and turn on at certain parts of the sequence? I want to be able to integrate this, and I've seen mentions here and there, but I just wanted to know if someone has made official instructions on how to do this. I haven't had time to actually go through the CinemaVision instructions so if they work without needing to edit, then I apologize in advance. Here are the CV instructions: Philips Hue Setup - Here Philips Hue Advanced Features - Here

  16. Started by acid303,

    hi, I have a huge problem. When I try to open pse 0.30 the pi4 crashes. I reinstalled everything to test and installed the zip. As soon as I open the pi 4 goes off. Please help. Kodi Omega.

  17. Started by Nate2khax,

    I've been looking and I can't seem to find an area to set a clip to play before each video is played. Is this possible? And if so, where might I find this?

  18. Hey guys, long time lurker and user of PSE - absolutely immense addon. But I've been having issues scraping in trailers within the Kodi database since the V3 alpha dropped (tried in both Kodi 20 and Kodi 21, same issues on both), and as a result it's broken what are pretty authentic sequences I've been building in the addon. I've attached a log to hopefully help diagnose the problem. Cheers in advance! kodi.log

  19. Hello I need some help, i use kodi with google chromcast and I try to use preshow add on but If I start a prewiev an error message apears (see log pictures) What goes wrong? https://ibb.co/7X5G990 https://ibb.co/rvdS01J https://ibb.co/KwyGNcy

  20. Maybe this will help a bit. I tested PreShow Experience 0.3.0.a2 on my Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2017 and Kodi 21 Omega with Skin: Estuary for PreShow Experience in Kodi 21 Omega 1.0.0. I wanted to test the "Execute Action at last Chapter" function for a few films. Unfortunately, the version didn't work on the Shield and caused Kodi to freeze shortly after I activated PSE. Kodi stopped, then continued to run after 1-2 minutes and froze again, etc. The whole thing didn't run smoothly. Even actions like the curtain up were delayed. After I reinstalled version 0.2.5, everything ran like clockwork again.

  21. Hi All, I'm not sure if we are supposed to be discussing issues here or on the discord channel. For now I'll proceed here. I have installed PreShow and it seems to be working well, however, it is not displaying the rating screen prior to the move. This does work fine in Cinemavision. I have tried both importing a sequence from CV and creating a new sequence in PSE. I have included some log exerts below. Please let me know what else you might need to help resolve this problem. Some log exerts follow: 12:33:52.840 T:30989 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Language: en- 2023-02-04 12:33:52.840 T:30989 info <general>: […

  22. hi there, I just installed the latest preshow on Kodi 20 nexus on my Nvidia Shield. I configured a test sequence which has nothing more than a trailer and feature module. My basic wants for the addon are to just show some trailers before a movie. I set the content folder to my movie folder (because I wont be using local content for now) I selected imdb trailers and TMDB trailers When I test the sequence in the settings app it plays just fine, but when I use the content sensitive option on a movie and try to launch the preshow it starts to load but then just goes to the movie. Not sure why it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated! …

  23. Started by acid303,

    help with sequence. I created two sequences. But when I try to take the second sequence it jumps to the first sequence every time. what could be the reason?

  24. I've tested my sequence modules and they all work as expected. But when I trigger it from the context menu it fails. I've uploaded the log files to: https://paste.kodi.tv/jotivohizi Any help would be appreciated

  25. Started by TedP64,

    I’ve tried NFS and SMB on my synology NAS. Unfortunately, it won’t allow me to add the path on any of my external devices. So, for example - as long as I’m running PSE / Kodi on my Mac Mini - I can point directly to the folder and everything functions. If I go to any of my NVidia Shield TVs or Firecubes - no dice. I’m trying to keep my files and sequences on my NAS so all of my devices have access to them and any changes I make since I have some rather complex actions at play. Any advice? Any chance of allowing a manual input of the path? That would probably solve it on my end - if you can tell me where the path is stored - I could test it out if you like. Thanks!