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Everything posted by marius

  1. Is anyone else having problems? I cant open PSE since the new version. Kodi is installed on a Shield Pro 2019
  2. I amble to skip on a shield, hope this helps to find the problem
  3. Has anyone else the dialogbusy loading icon/circle still visible? I even tried to change the skins dialogbusy.xml so that it is something like <visible>false<visible>, what worked with other skins, but it still gets shown. Maybe someone can help me out
  4. Alright, I will send it in the next days when I get the time (Theres no need to rush anyway since it works via directory.. it's just strange)
  5. I use it aswell csuse it can closely look like a streamings platform interface. But i forgot to use the pse version. Since it is quite a lot of work to get there, i recommend editing the .xml file, if it is not possible to export your settings
  6. Yes and no 😄 At first I was able to select the PSE folders on my NAS except for the Trailer folder. But I think we still texted via dm after this post. I am sorry for not answering, I only got notifications for your dm but none about a new answer under this thread. First I used another video bumper folder for trailers, but this is my actual work-around since you had sent the new PSE version to me: "So it is working under certain settings 🙂 Trailer module settings: Source: Content (not working) / directory (working) Path: (I had to add the PSE folder via Kodis datamanager, now I can choose the Trailer folder as directory. Dont know if datamanager is the correct name in english, I hope you know what I mean)" Since this is working so far, I havent tried to change my sequence via notepad. But I dont think it is necessary anymore since we had a similar idea with datamanager, I think. That was actually the second problem (after my "edit"-anser on this thread) that the Trailer folder scraper doesnt work. It just stops playing when the trailers are in the trailer folder and the settings are set to Content. I can give you the logfile if you want to. Offtopic: I once asked if you could fix a problem wirh actions. There, when I wanted to set a directory, I had to go all the way trough a lot of folders until I came to the PSE folder. I just saw that this has been fixed and I am very thankful therefore! 🙂 +++++Edit: right now I understood that the updated version you have sent to me had nothing to do with this trailer problem, had it? I think the topics just got mixed up, I am sorry! But as I wrote, what you have sent to me works fine.
  7. Edit: When I move my trailers from the trailer folder to any movie bumper folder and choose this one, it works fine..
  8. Hi, I hope someone can help me. I got a Synology Nas and since I moved all my PSE stuff from my externl drives to the NAS, i cant play the trailer sequence in my PreShows anymore, but everything else works fine. I updated the directory to the NAS, PSE is able to write to it, I could choose single files for the actions and I use NFS. I thought I could work around by adding a video module via directory, but then it does not show me my network storage. Only external drives and a root-system. But if I add a video module and choose a single file, I can choose the NFS Networkstorage. Has anyone an idea what the problem could be?
  9. marius replied to Enermax's post in a topic in Support
    Hi Enermax, Have you already read the guides section on this page?
  10. marius commented on Matt's comment on a file in Kodi Addons
    Nice, thank you
  11. marius commented on Matt's comment on a file in Kodi Addons
    Is there a new version? I got a notification, but the changelog doesnt seem like there is something new
  12. Is anyone else having issues with the audio? Sometimes its just muted since i got this skin and i cant figure out why. I got Kodi installed on a Shield Pro 2019
  13. I've tested it with a simple action and it worked👍
  14. Thats just how you do it with PSE, too. You can even download one of the modded skins for some nice extras, like no visible buffering circle
  15. marius replied to Reelyator's post in a topic in PreShow Content
    Same here, but I am from germany, too. Maybe it's an US thing?
  16. marius replied to Reelyator's post in a topic in PreShow Content
    At the moment, I use these. But they are a little bit old and the quality isnt that good: @Mattglad to hear, you will integrate a section for commercials 🙂
  17. marius replied to Reelyator's post in a topic in PreShow Experience
    Hi, you dont need to uninstall the old version. Just get the new one on yourstick, install it from zip file as it would be another addon and it will get updated 🙂
  18. For me, the instructions from cv worked with a bit of try and error. But all in all it didnt even took a day to get everything working, so i guess these instructions are fine. Only some links are expired, but thats nothing too hard so figure out
  19. marius replied to marius's post in a topic in Support
    While testing to write down where the problems are, I figured out that I had not only to "save" my sequence, but to "save as" it. This problem with actions only during the sequence editor is fixed (for details see below) The problem with pause and resume actions is also fixed. (how to solve that, see below) But two other bugs I recognized are that, if I want to choose the path of an action file on my external drive, i always have to go trough all the folders. Maybe it would be possible to just get "launched" in the actions folder? And my only sequence which has the auto-select button turned on is shown in the queue menu as selected, but is only played if i go into the sequence list from the queue menu and relect it. Otherwise, even if its shown as selected, the default.2d sequence is getting played. My workaround is to modify the default.2d sequence as my prefered sequence cause it seems to be the one which is selected if i dont reselect my other sequence even it is shown in the queue menu as selected... Second edit: guess this will solve the second bug: I thought maybe someone is gonna have the same problems. So here is what i did and how the problems gut solved: +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Testing the actions in PSE editor: - every action works as it should Playing PSE Seuquence before a movie and letting it run through; settings: pause, resume and abort are on: - first action (Einlass), second (Werbung) action, third (Trailer) action and fourth (Audio bumper) dont work - if I pause the movie during a video bumper (which means, that lights are still on) nothing happens; if i pause when lights are out, also nothing happens, but they should get turnes on - if i resume the movie then, lights go out as they should while pausing and resuming during the movie - if i abort the movie or sequence, the lights go on (thats what they should: Ende Film action) - if i skip a video bumper during the pse sequence, the lights go out (what they shouldnt) - Testing pause, resume and abort actions form PSE menu: - resume action and abort action work fine - EDIT Solution: while testing and writing this, this Problem got solved somehow. Seems like i has to pause the sequence during playing it from PSE menu. Now it works. Orgiginal: pause action doenst work and PSE says: "This action is not set or not applied." I also tried ou other action files and it slways gives me the same message. Playing Sequence in the PSE editor menu (with pause, resume and abort off): -first, second, third, fourth and and fith action work fine, no matter if i skip, pause or do whatever with a video bumper Playing Sequence in the PSE editor menu (with pause, resume and abort on): - everything also works fine now that pause and resume worked, I tried it again during the squence playing before a movie: - pause action and abort action are working - resume doenst work (but i changed it from a specific file to the last action file which was played) - first to fith action dont work, I think thats the reason why the resume action also doenst work, if its called to be the last action from the sequence Fixed: had not only to "save" it, but to "save as". Now it works, but only if I reselect the sequence from the qeue menu. Even if its automatically selected, i have to go to the list with my sequences and reselect it. Otherwise it doenst work somehow. Thats not such a big problem, cause Im glad it even works. But because Id like to hide the queue menu, it would be nice if someone could have a look at this
  20. marius posted a post in a topic in Support
    Edit: Nearly got it. I had the wrong username. The tutorial from CV helped me out. Also forgot an ":" after the "PUT"... But the "execute action on sequence resume" from the menu still is not working. It just says: "This action is not set or not yet applied". And another issue that just appeared is that in the editor all my actions work fine, bute when i start a movie, the first action file just instantly turns off the light instead of just dimming it. Maybe someone has an idea, what the problem could be? Hi! Yesterday I got a Hue Bridge cause I wanted to get some action files in my preshow sequence, which dimm the light and stuff like that. The actions are the same format like the ones to download, just with the bridges ip adress and the name i got from the hue api debug site (dont remember the name). When i try the commands on the hue api debugger site, everything works fine. But when i script them and transfer them on my Shield, i only get a lot of errors. I run Kodi 20 on a Shield Tv Pro 2019. Hopefully someone can help me out! would really be thankfull if someone could have a look on the error log. Btw, sorry for just posting photos. Dont know how to copy something from the shield...
  21. marius replied to Stovies's post in a topic in Support
    I also have a 2019 shield and kodi 20 and it is working so far except some bugs, but there its possible to find a work around
  22. I would appreciate a mod for rapier, too
  23. Yes, same here.
  24. Hi @DexDeadly! Tanks for looking at the log and helping me out. Before I saw your message, I just installed Kodi on my Notebook with Win10 to see if get the same problem. But there, the bumpers were correctly detected and played (except DTS:X). Thats why I think it shouldnt be a problem with the naming of the bumpers.. Here are the filenames: I tried a variety of filename formats for the bumpers, to find out if on of them may be correct: DTSHD-MA - sfx-long.DTSHD7.1.mkv DTSHD-MA -listen-x-long(4K)(DTSHD7.1).mkv dts.sfx-short DTSHD7.1.mkv conductor.TrueHD.Atmos.mkv Dolby Atmos - Amaze (HD)(DA7.1).mkv Leaf.DA7.1.mkv.mkv Natures Fury.DD+.Atmos.mkv Silent(DA7.1).mkv Harvest.DTSHD7.1.mkv Spheres-v2 DTHD7.1).mkv All Around Us (DTSX7.1).mkv Callout.2160p.DTSX7.1.mkv Features.2160p.DTS-X.mkv (Sadly on my notebook there were some struggles with trailers which dont appear on xbox, but thats another story. But if you want to get the logs, i can send them to you. Trailer audio was played for a few seconds but the display stayed black and then it crashed and i got back to the kodi menu.) So back to xbox: content path is set and also updated. Yes it has an dtshd-ma audiostream. At least the english one is in dtshd-ma. The other one is only DTS I think. I thought it might be because of several audio streams, so i tried a video with only one audio stream but that didnt work either. Yes, they play without problems. But there is also good news: The second problem i reported got solved somehow. Today, it doenst carsh anymore when i start a movie. But the problem with bumpers stay the same like if I start the preview in the PSE editor... Greetings! (And a big Thank You for working on this project!)
  25. Hi people! I got the following two problems. I use Kodi v20 on a Xbox one X and PSE isnt working correctly. - The Preview is working fine, excepte the audio format bumper. They are only played if I choose a specific file.. If I choose auto-select-mode, the audio bumper is just being skipped in the preview. So my question is, if there is a specific way, the files in the audio format bumpers must be named. I got different audio trailers in nearly effery folder, but nothing works. - If i try to start a movie with preview, it only worked one time. But also without audio bumper. All the other times i can only see the "queue" menue and when I select the movie and my preshow it just crashes. I tried to export the debug file, too. But Ive never done this before, so I hope its correct and somebody can help me out. Greetings preshow_debug.txt