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Olvrteil joined the community
Addon not working has been added to the site, which hopefully fixes this issue.
Feature request: Slideshow Loop
I'll look at it when I get time, after the current dev round is completed. From my perspective, if you are repeating content then you are playing something in the background and it is ok if the music stops and potentially repeats the same music. I would just put some sort of other element in the loop with it so that there more natural flow to it. For example, play the slideshow and then a random short video and then come back to the slideshow. If you want to make this work now the way you described, make copies of your slideshow images and then use bulk rename utility to renumber them. You can figure out how long you want it to be and just add enough files to process that amount of time. I use that utility a lot and really like it.
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Nabz34 joined the community
Feature request: Slideshow Loop
Hmmm... tried a loop command in the sequence, but that doesn't satisfy this request as the music stops and restarts, potentially playing the same songs again (we have plenty of music in the library.) Maybe I'm missing another method. Thank you.
Matt started following Feature request: Slideshow Loop
Feature request: Slideshow Loop
You should be able to combine it with the command module to make it loop. Let me know if you need help setting that up.
Feature request: Slideshow Loop
We frequently set up a collection of 10 to 20 slides as a pre-show before our programming for 30 or so minutes using the Slideshow module. However, we encounter the slideshow limitation: once all the slides have been displayed once, the slideshow ends, regardless of the total duration set. To achieve our desired length, we duplicate and manually number the slides, which is quite cumbersome when looking to keep the same rotation order over and over. Would it be possible to add a “loop” option to this module? This would allow the slides to restart either in alphabetical order or in a continuous random order, while keeping the background music uninterrupted. We believe this feature would also be beneficial for the Trivia module when the trivia set has been shown in its entirety. Thanks for considering this request! Best, Spires
titfortattent joined the community
Content path - folder unwritable
Thanks, Matt, that's nice of you to test it out. My Kodi has no issues with reading media from the same folders that fail here.
Confluence-Mod for Xonfluence-Skin?
Glad you got it to work.
Confluence-Mod for Xonfluence-Skin?
Ahhhh, you're so great! Thank you, Matt - it's working so brilliant! (Just used your DialogBusy.xml from your Confluence...) Robert
STOIC joined the community
JustRob started following Content path - folder unwritable
Content path - folder unwritable
I’m getting the exact same problem 😩
JustRob changed their profile photo
jake1981 joined the community
Movieguy joined the community
What do you use in your PreShow Experience?
This setup sounds like a lot of fun. The upcoming versions of PreShow are basically a way to do this exact thing with only 1 sequence. What are you doing to show trailers related to the year of your movie?
Matt started following Addon not working , Confluence-Mod for Xonfluence-Skin? and Content path - folder unwritable
Confluence-Mod for Xonfluence-Skin?
To suppress the busy dialog when PreShow Experience is running, add the following to the DialogBusy.xml file: <visible>IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(script.preshowexperience.running))</visible>If it has a reference to CV in the DialogBusy.xml, change this <visible>String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(script.cinemavision.running))</visible>to this <visible>String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(script.preshowexperience.running))</visible>
Content path - folder unwritable
This is a Kodi/Shield issue and not directly related to PreShow, so there's nothing I can do within PreShow to fix this. I have my shield set to use a network drive, but will try adding an external drive to it and will report back if I can get it to work.
theaterguy2005 joined the community
NoahWinter joined the community
Content path - folder unwritable
Hi, first time user. A problem with initial setup. When selecting content path I get the error "Make sure the selected folder is writable and that the new folder name is valid". I'm on the latest Nvidia Shield TV Pro. External SSD and the path is within a root folder named NVIDIA_SHIELD (as can be required for some scenarios on the Shield). Tried other folders on the SSD without luck. The SSD works fine with other apps like VLC and Plex. Tried downgrading to 0.3.0. Same result. Any suggestion?
chute-posh-unfazed joined the community
Confluence-Mod for Xonfluence-Skin?
@Matt: Hi, Matt! There is a modified Confluence-Skin for Kodi 20... can you tell or show me, where you've changed it for turning off the "Busy"-indicator? Background: I'm using Xonfluence because of its possibilities to change the menues. And I would like to modify it, too (as maybe you would like to modify it quickly ;-) ?) -- Thank you so much! -- Robert
What do you use in your PreShow Experience?
I have made a lot of playlist based on years since 1960 to 2025. Playlist are automaticaly selected depending on the date of the movie you launch. This allow me to have preshow experience related to the year that the movie has been released. So you have trailers related to the date of the movie, and also some bumper at the same period. This allow to put the movie in his original context and it looks great to me. Preshow experience is really easily customisable, the only limit is your imagination ! I have mixed also commercials spots related to time period (1980's, 1990's, etc) and have added cartoons in the same folder. You have the surprise of having a cartoon launched or just a commercial.
Addon not working
OK, that's great, thanks. I did try turning off IMDB trailer source but it still failed. Keep up the good work :)
Addon not working
I've fixed that bug in the next version, which should be coming out in a couple days. Also, that bug only related to IMDB trailers. Matt Huisman's Youtube for Trailers addon only affects the YT and Kodi trailers.
Harris Mandem started following Addon not working
Addon not working
Hi. I can't seem to get the latest version to work. I have installed the Matt Huisman Youtube for Trailers addon but I get the following error in the Kodi log: Seems a 'Quality' attribute is missing?? Any help much appreciated. Thanks
Harris Mandem changed their profile photo
N gregg changed their profile photo
MidnightWatcher started following Feature Ratings in PreShow
Feature Ratings in PreShow
It's been awhile since I've used ratings. I believe the rating was a video, but thinking about it perhaps it was an image that faded in then out? 🤔
DLee changed their profile photo
Matt started following Feature Ratings in PreShow
Feature Ratings in PreShow
Do you use images or videos for your ratings?
T-M-P changed their profile photo
MidnightWatcher started following What is your favorite kodi addon? and What is your favorite home theater accessory?
What is your favorite home theater accessory?
Yes that's good also, though I've moved mine out of the theater and one floor above.
What is your favorite kodi addon?
I don't use any other add-ons. PSE is all I need. :)
What is your favorite home theater accessory?
There's only 1 thing in my theater that I haven't thought about replacing, so I think that has to win by default. My favorite thing is my popcorn machine.
Extra MoviePosterApp Icons
Some NFO files in the movie poster cache could be missing the mpaa flag. Until the next movieposterapp dev release is available that allows us to select a default logo for missing mpaa and imdb flags, these posters will not show any ratings. The workaround is to manually edit the NFO file so that instead of the mpaa flag being empty it would say something like "<mpaa>R</mpaa>" or try refreshing the cached folders in the webremote. If you're on the same local network as the movieposterapp, I believe all you need to do is open a browser like Chrome on your phone / tablet / laptop and in the url enter: http://<movieposterapp IP address>:8082/remote.html Once connected, navigate to Menu > Poster Cache > Actions and choose Refresh Selected. If the mpaa flag is in the NFO but you're still not seeing the rating displayed, double check to make sure your folder is properly named "MPAA".
What is your favorite kodi addon?
Excluding PreShow, what is your favorite kodi addon?