Everything posted by Epitaph
What is your favorite holiday movie?
I second @MidnightWatcher choices with the exception of Scrooge. My third choice is Scrooged (1988). Watching those 3 every Christmas takes me back. Those are my top three “Must Watch” but I have an assortment of other films that include the usual suspects (Home Alone 1/2, How The Grinch Stole Christmas animated and Jim Carrey, It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, etc) and some oddballs like Trapped In Paradise (1994), The Family Man (2000), Surviving Christmas (2004), and Krampus.
PreShow Holiday Bumper: Happy Thanksgiving 2024
PreShow Holiday Bumper: PreShow Halloween Ghost
Nice, thanks for sharing.
Having trouble
So if I understand correctly, you have a cinemavision folder containing all of your videos, AND you let PreShow create its default folder scheme? If that is the case, I would copy the respective files into the corresponding folders in the PreShow directory so you can keep a copy of everything as you had it. Then make sure you rescan the new content in, then try running your sequence(s).
What are your favorite Double Feature
Following the @Polargeek theme of movies I can watch repeatedly. (your choices are great movies btw) First is a typical 80's raunchy teen movie, The Last American Virgin, that most people have not heard of. It seems to have flown under the radar. I wont spoil the movie(for those that haven't seen it) but you will understand why I like it by the end. Great music also, being a teen through the 80's was awesome! The second is Christine. Great movie but differs wildly from the book. I could watch this on repeat. LOL
PreShow Content: Modern Shockwave Bumper Set
oops... did not realize where I was viewing... nor that my status had changed to "supporter".
PreShow Content: Modern Shockwave Bumper Set
Am I overlooking a zip download containing the set?
Kodi 21.0 + Sheild TV Pro
Thanks for the response. Chapters are working for everything else.... so I don't think its a setting. I forgot to mention they are also HEVC.
Kodi 21.0 + Sheild TV Pro
Random question to anyone running Kodi 21.0 on a Shield Pro with 4k video files, do you get chapter marks when playing them? I am working my way through my media collection (reencoding some and pulling all the extras for kodi) and have found that my 4k's are not showing chapter marks(all other videos show them). I have a win 11 pc (running 21.0 also) I install and test Kodi on before upgrading the shield and the chapters show on it.
Action based on Metadata
To add more info, I use Ember Media Manager and it pulls the meta data and includes it in the nfo. Aeon Nox Silvo is my prefered skin which also shows the AR. <fileinfo> <streamdetails> <audio> <bitrate>3560</bitrate> <channels>6</channels> <codec>dtshd_ma</codec> <language>eng</language> <longlanguage>English</longlanguage> </audio> <audio> <bitrate>192</bitrate> <channels>2</channels> <codec>ac3</codec> <language>eng</language> <longlanguage>English</longlanguage> </audio> <subtitle> <language>eng</language> <longlanguage>English</longlanguage> <forced>false</forced> <type>Embedded</type> </subtitle> <video> <aspect>2.400</aspect> <bitrate>2349</bitrate> <codec>hevc</codec> <durationinseconds>6555</durationinseconds> <height>800</height> <width>1920</width> <filesize>5008898591</filesize> </video> </streamdetails> </fileinfo>
PreShow 3.0a not scraping KodiDB trailers properly
I mentioned youtube only because of the wording in the settings. My media manager automatically pulls in the youtube links but I do not actually use them. I prefer my own trailers being local. Looking forward to the update. Thanks
Kodi News: A Tribute to Estuary Developer and Kodi Team Member, Piers
Wow, It really is.
PreShow 3.0a not scraping KodiDB trailers properly
I used the previous PE in 20.5 with no issue(in regard to Kodi db Trailers). I just recently upgraded to 21 and installed the 3.0a and experienced the same. I have been trying to figure it out for a bit now. In the settings of PE, its listed as Kodi(youtube) under sources. I have Trailers(locally saved) in 99.9% of my collection, but I also have youtube links included in the nfo's. PE is not pulling either. On testing/previewing, it will black screen and dump back to the editor. I also couldn't seem to get the debugging toggle to stick, plus I am currently at work... so no log.
Skin: Aeon Nox Silvo for PreShow Experience in Kodi 20
Can confirm, I upgraded my Shield Pro from 20.5 to 21 and the skin has preshow options in it. There is even an option to install PE in the skin settings(though its broken because it is not yet in the repo).
- 2 reviews
IMDB Trailer Error
Thanks for the update @Matt
IMDB Trailer Error
I can get trailers from TMDB but IMDB is crashing when previewing. 2024-03-16 20:54:03.760 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [VideoBumper] 'Theater Intro' 2024-03-16 20:54:03.761 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Via source 2024-03-16 20:54:03.768 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [VideoBumper] 'Trailers Intro' 2024-03-16 20:54:03.769 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Via source 2024-03-16 20:54:03.788 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [Trailer] content x 1 2024-03-16 20:54:03.818 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - [IMDB] 2024-03-16 20:54:04.095 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Searching un-watched trailers 2024-03-16 20:54:04.114 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Order: Newest 2024-03-16 20:54:04.128 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - [IMDB] 2024-03-16 20:54:04.129 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Searching watched trailers 2024-03-16 20:54:04.148 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): - Order: Newest 2024-03-16 20:54:06.498 T:23980 error <general>: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-03-16 20:54:06.498 T:23980 error <general>: 2024-03-16 20:54:06.499 T:23980 error <general>: File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/resources/lib/preshowexperience/scrapers/imdb/scraper.py", line 181, in get_trailers h3 = title_block.find("h3") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-03-16 20:54:06.499 T:23980 error <general>: 2024-03-16 20:54:06.499 T:23980 error <general>: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find' 2024-03-16 20:54:06.499 T:23980 error <general>: 2024-03-16 20:54:06.499 T:23980 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): Got exception None 2024-03-16 20:54:07.506 T:23980 error <general>: Traceback (most recent call last): 2024-03-16 20:54:07.506 T:23980 error <general>: 2024-03-16 20:54:07.507 T:23980 error <general>: File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/resources/lib/preshowexperience/scrapers/imdb/scraper.py", line 181, in get_trailers h3 = title_block.find("h3") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2024-03-16 20:54:07.507 T:23980 error <general>: 2024-03-16 20:54:07.507 T:23980 error <general>: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'
Skin: Aeon Nox Silvo for PreShow Experience in Kodi 20
- 2 reviews