Thank you so much for the Confluence skin in Kodi 21! As I've changed from 20 to 21, the old Confluence didn't work any more... One thing left: Maybe I'm to silly... What's my fault, when I can't set up my background image? I'm using XBMC 21 on my Zidoo instead of pure Kodi 21. When I go to "-Configure skin..." > "Background" > "-Background path:" I do see External storage and my HDD connected to my Zidoo. But the only path in which I can switch is "Root filesystem". Of course, my backg
When I was a kid, my parents had a blacked out room with a massive 35-40" TV. I would invite friends over and would ask them to bring a rented VHS tape over and we'd watch that, along with something that I selected.
One time I put on one of my favorite movies, The Road Warrior.
As we were watching it, my buddy kept saying that it reminded him so much of his movie and he thought that maybe the same actor played the main character in both movies. And then we put on his favorite movie: Mad Max.
We were young and there wasn't an internet for us to learn about movies, so we had no idea that they were sequels. We obviously became best friends after.
I've always loved having double features for my movie nights. Is that something that you do? I spend a lot of time trying to find short films, commercials and other content to set the appropriate mood for the movies.
My double features may be by the same director, have an actor in common, or have some sort of shared bond in theme, time period or setting.
I would love to hear some movies that you think work well together as a double feature. Here are the rules:
I look forward to seeing what you think are great double features.