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Please list your versions of PreShow and Kodi, along with the type of computer. Log files are required for any specific issues.
73 topics in this forum
Thank you so much for the Confluence skin in Kodi 21! As I've changed from 20 to 21, the old Confluence didn't work any more... One thing left: Maybe I'm to silly... What's my fault, when I can't set up my background image? I'm using XBMC 21 on my Zidoo instead of pure Kodi 21. When I go to "-Configure skin..." > "Background" > "-Background path:" I do see External storage and my HDD connected to my Zidoo. But the only path in which I can switch is "Root filesystem". Of course, my background image I've put to the HDD. It's not accessible from there... How can I get to my picture? Or: How can I put the picture somewhere into the Root filesystem? I don't find it us…
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Forgive me if this is a stupid question I am coming from cinemavision. What is the difference between content in Sponsors directory compared to Commercials . Also what type of content goes in PreShow directory.
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Hi guys, new to the program, I'm kind of stumbling at the first hurdle here so I'm hoping someone can help. I've got my content folders for bumpers/trailers etc but I'm a bit lost to either how I'm meant to add my videos to features or if I'm meant to set up a content path for features etc. Hoping someone can help.
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It's been a while since I selected Trailers in the Movie, Information (context menu) option. Today when selecting the Trailer icon, I got a dialog to Add-on YouTube. Then the Installation fails. Tried from the repository, and it failed too. How do I view trailers via this icon in the Information? I can view Trailers with IMDB Add-on, but I like the convenience when selecting the Movie, then using Information from the context menu (simple from my remote control).
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hi, I have a huge problem. When I try to open pse 0.30 the pi4 crashes. I reinstalled everything to test and installed the zip. As soon as I open the pi 4 goes off. Please help. Kodi Omega.
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Hi, first and foremost thank you for the work are you doing to support with project. I was wondering if there is a way to have a movie resume from the Kodi resume point with PSE? Whenever I use PSE it always starts the movie from the beginning. Am I missing something? Thanks
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Hello, I love this addon but I cannot get it to work properly for me. I have a simple setup with a random intro video, three trailers, audio bumpers, then the feature. My problem lies with the trailers. Whenever I run PSE, it plays the intro video then attempts trailer playback. However, this stutters, then freezes mid-frame, then it simply crashes the trailer and tries again with the next one. This happens so often that I have temporarily abandoned the addon until I can work out what's causing this and fix it. My YouTube addon and my InputStream adaptive are all up-to-date and my playback device is a Vero 4k+, running OSMC on Linux. For PSE, I am running t…
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I’ve tried NFS and SMB on my synology NAS. Unfortunately, it won’t allow me to add the path on any of my external devices. So, for example - as long as I’m running PSE / Kodi on my Mac Mini - I can point directly to the folder and everything functions. If I go to any of my NVidia Shield TVs or Firecubes - no dice. I’m trying to keep my files and sequences on my NAS so all of my devices have access to them and any changes I make since I have some rather complex actions at play. Any advice? Any chance of allowing a manual input of the path? That would probably solve it on my end - if you can tell me where the path is stored - I could test it out if you like. Thanks!
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Hi, mybe my last post was gone (iI cannot find it) I still wants to show up that I got an Alert on your page. Infizierte Webseite gefunden Gestern um 9:55 Uhr Funktion: Online-Gefahrenabwehr Wir haben diese gefährliche Seite zu Ihrem Schutz blockiert: root_library.js Name der Bedrohung: GT:JS.Acsogenixx.673.EE6DC3AB Gefährliche Seiten versuchen, Software zu installieren, die dem Gerät schaden, personenbezogene Daten sammeln oder ohne Ihre Zustimmung aktiv werden kann Can you please explain why this is shown up? Ort fix it? Thx BananenTV
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Hello everyone, I have a question about Preshow Experience in the context of Jellyfin: Does this work or does the addon only work with content that is local? I have configured Preshow so far and created a first sequence. This also works when I use the integrated preview. However, I have not been able to get it to work before the actual movies. I have worked through the guides and unfortunately found nothing on the subject of whether it still needs to be activated somehow or how I need to start the actual movie so that the addon becomes active. Is there anything else I need to do besides configuring the addon to make Preshow work? Do you have any …
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Hi people! I got the following two problems. I use Kodi v20 on a Xbox one X and PSE isnt working correctly. - The Preview is working fine, excepte the audio format bumper. They are only played if I choose a specific file.. If I choose auto-select-mode, the audio bumper is just being skipped in the preview. So my question is, if there is a specific way, the files in the audio format bumpers must be named. I got different audio trailers in nearly effery folder, but nothing works. - If i try to start a movie with preview, it only worked one time. But also without audio bumper. All the other times i can only see the "queue" menue and when I select the movie and…
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I recently looked into CinemaVision and couldn't get it to work. I was just about to post about it when I saw that PreShow had become the successor to CinemaVision. I just created an account. Downloaded the zip file and uploaded it in Kodi. I'm using Kodi 20.0.0 and it says "Failed to install add-on from zip file". I am using an Nvidia Shield TV Pro (2019), does this work with this? Let me know what I can do to get this to work because I truly love this idea, I just haven't had the chance to actually give it a try.
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How would you best recommend accomplishing this? I was thinking of using python and the StartAndroidActivity() function, but I was running into errors. Has anyone successfully figured out how to launch an app? I'm basically wanting to launch VLC on sequence pause with a pseaction to emulate a commercial since we dont have the function to add markers mid-features yet. Edit: Bonus points if you know how to launch a video already playing - I'm thinking of using tasker to auto play video once VLC launches.
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Hi everyone / Matt, is it / how is it possible to make PSE play a Theatre Intro movie endlessly until I press a key on my remote (Fast Forward or whatelse skips within the sequence)? I would like to have a still picture and a song at the beginning (opening the cinema, guests are coming) as long as it takes. Then I press a key and the preshow continues. I've tried a loop but don't know what kind of "Condition" should I mark? (Any help?) Also I've tried a Trivia with several slides of the same picture and a music file in the background. Works - but the music doesn't loop. What's the best way to have an intro endlessly with an exit? Thank you …
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Hi all, when I try to watch a movie from Amazon or Netflix with PSE the sequence stops when the movie is supposed to start with a black screen. Is there any setting I need to adjust when I watch from these platforms?
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Hey guys just wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. My preshow addon has stopped working. It says it's in demo mode. When I go to the settings it's blank.
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One could trick cinemavision to work with discs (Bluray / DVD) as well. I'm not quite sure how I did it, but it either worked by playing a directory using two files ("empty" with black screen & media stub for disc playback) or by using a playlist file containing the media stub file. Playback could be triggered by running a python script in the menu. If I remember correctly this did no longer work starting with Kodi 19 or at least I'm currently unable to reproduce this behaviour. I tried to recreate this, but to no avail. I also tried starting the disc directly with the PlayDisc()-command and having basically no feature. This will work when testing in the edit…
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Hola que tal,he estado usando Preshowexpercience en kodi 19.5 en una tv box conectado a un AV Sony la semana anterior, y de verdad estoy muy contento ya que me funciona muy bien, faltan detalles pero hace su funcion como es de esperar,lo tengo configurado con una introducción en 4k ,luego audio bumper un par de remolques,luego otro audio bumper y finaliza con la película, tiene el editor parecido a cinemavision,pero este me reproduce todo los archivos cuando los edito ,sobre todo los remolques desde IMDB,un detalle es que no se puede editar para que los audio bumper los reproduzca de manera aleatoria,pero por lo demás está muy bien,pronto haré un vídeo para que disfruten …
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Hoping someone can shed light on this, Ive got a fresh Kodi 20.2 installed to Mac OS Catalina. I've downloaded the modified Estuary Skin and PSE script. Installing the modified Estuary went fine, but as soon as I attempt to install the PSE script 1.2, Kodi crashes to desktop. I've also tried the 1.1 version of the script, same result. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Hi all I've installed this on my Shield with Kodi and configured everything to the guides. But I don't see any mention as to how I start this? I was hoping for a menu item when long pressing on a movie or it even starts automatically when I start the movie, but nothing so far. What do I need to do? Thanks
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Just installed the new add-on today on an up to date 64bit install of the latest version of kodi for windows and pointed it at my old cinemavision folders and tried setting up a new sequence and it looks like itunes trailers error when attempting to play them. This is the error I get in my kodi log. TMDB trailers play as they should though so it isn't a big issue, I just assume it may trip people up if it's not just my machine having issues. Everything else works like it should too. 2023-02-17 15:45:32.949 T:8872 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): [VideoBumper] 'Trailers Intro' 2023-02-17 15:45:32.950 T:8872 info <general>: [-…
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hi guys. thanks for what you did. the extension is fire! love it. i have a favorite design theme for kodi - embuary matrix. i adapted it for kodi omega - that's actually it. i want to use it for seamless video playback with pse like estuary pse does. can anyone help with this? maybe someone already has a hand at it?
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*Fixed* - Issue was that there were multiple sequences set up as the default, so it was failing. I only needed one sequence for my system, so I removed the others and it is working as expected now. ---------------- I set up the addon and built out my outline. It plays fine from the editor but when I attempt to play a movie using the addon, I get an error. I have attached the log here:
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