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  1. The reason would be related to the use of the action files. Without PSE running that actions, such as end credits, would not take effect. I will post a feature request as you requested. Thanks
  2. Hi, first and foremost thank you for the work are you doing to support with project. I was wondering if there is a way to have a movie resume from the Kodi resume point with PSE? Whenever I use PSE it always starts the movie from the beginning. Am I missing something? Thanks
  3. With regards to having the proper aspect ratio in Kodi: Tiny Media Manager has a tool which will detect the actual aspect ratio of a movie and store it in the NFO file. Kodi then displays this correctly, at least with the skin I use which is Estuary Mod V2. I realize this may not work for everyone but may be a better option than having to try and scrape from IMDB. Thoughts?
  4. A very popular skin, Estuary Mod V2, now has support for PSE enabled thanks to the skin owner _BJ1.
  5. I believe most, if not all, trivia slides are basically jpg files. I’m not sure how you could change the language on those on the fly.
  6. I know for sure that the YouTube add on was installed as part of the PSE install. Kodi also require the YouTube add on but only if you tell it to scrape trailers from YouTube.
  7. I am not sure if this belong as a feature request or in PSE support. I would like to see the installation of the Youtube addon as optional. Not everyone will want to see Youtube trailers and therefore would not require this addon. PSE could be coded so that if the addon is not installed it would not look for Youtube trailers. If Youtube trailers are requested PSE could prompt for permission to install the addon.
  8. Any thought to using Tags, PSE should be able to access these and we don't have crazy file names. Just a thought
  9. There are other possible rating values as well that may fall into the same situation such as Approved, Not Rated, Passed. In addition, there are all of the TV ratings: TV-G, TV-PG, TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-14, TV-MA. I am sure there are probably others that I personally have not seen.
  10. Sequence Editor looks much better and the arrows are working properly. Also, on the launch memo only the selected field is now highlighted. Makes usage much easier.
  11. HI All, Ratings appears to be working properly. Or at least the same as in CV. There is an issue with movies which have a certification/rating of "Approved" as showing a ratings card of "Rated R". The same thing happens with CV. This seems to be for older movies. Would it make sense, be possible, to show them as "Not Rated"?
  12. @MattThat's what I thought. I basically copied over my entire CV directory structure on the Pre-Show Experience Files directory. All of the MPAA ratings files are mp4 and the ratings screen comes up when you do PLAY from the sequence editor menu, just not for a real movie. My Ratings settings are: Default Rating System: MPAA Rating Bumper: Video Rating style selection: Random If I try setting Rating style selection to Stye; when I try to select a style I get the error: No content found for current rating system I would have expected to see four options: MPAA Classic; MPAA Colors; MPAA Retro; MPAA Vintage.
  13. @MattI do have ratings folders set up in the PSE content path. I use the same structure as used by Cinemavision. The directory structure is as follows: Pre-Show Experience Files Actions Audio Format Bumpers audio format bumper directories Rating Bumpers MPAA MPAA Classic MPAA Vintage There are other folders in there; this is just a few. Does PSE use the same folder names as CV?
  14. @DexDeadly, So I tried what you suggested and had the same result, no Rating Screen. I Reset the Contest Database and Updated it. I am attaching the log from kodi. Hopefully you can find it useful preshow-kodi-log.txt
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