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  1. @garzilla They do. What I think is happening is the standard 2D script launches automatically, regardless of what personal script is selected when you switch off the selection screen.
  2. I can confirm similar results to @marius. The actions in my script are ignored, while those actions linked to the settings tab work fine.
  3. @Matt Thanks! That tip helped me resolve the issue. Old trivia packs upsetting things. Now moved and everything is working sweet again. Thank you so much! It's great to have my pre-rolls all back and working
  4. Thanks everyone. I installed from the zip file. So no idea what's going on. Even after a full re-install. Same issues.
  5. So, just to be certain, I've deleted and then re-installed Kodi and PreShow. Reset the system a couple of times and still not getting a blue box to navigate the editor. Picture attached. I'm wondering if it has to do with the folder names in my PreShow folder? I simply copied over the structure from my Cinemavision folder. Could this be the problem?
  6. I'm using the 2019 model with Kodi 20. I'll take a pic and post here.
  7. 1920 by 1080 and using the Nvidia Shield remote to navigate. Have also tried with the android app version of the remote with no luck. Would be good to know if its simply an issue on my build.
  8. @garzilla Good to know if you can use the editor on your shield and whether you needed a workaround or things just worked out the box.
  9. Just to highlight that the PreShow editor isn't accessible on the Nvidia Shield. It launches but non of the buttons turn blue regardless of which direction you push the controller. Same distribution works fine on Windows, so must be a shield / kodi issue?
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