Transition Movie
I probably expressed myself incorrectly. I digitally created a curtain that is transparent when opened. Now I wanted to insert the video bumper so that the film starts while the curtain opens. Unfortunately, the clip runs through and only then does the film start.
Transition Movie
Hi, is it possible for a curtain to open and the Movie to start immediately in a transition?
TMDB Trailer Languages
That's brilliant.
TMDB Trailer Languages
In any case, German, you would make some people here happy. Thanks
TMDB Trailer Languages
Thank you. It works perfectly. If you change "language=en-DE" like this, the trailers remain in English. If you change it to "language=de-DE" then the trailers are in German. Thank you for your encouragement. So folks, you can now enjoy the trailers from TMDB in German.
TMDB Trailer Languages
That's great. How exactly did you set it up so that you also have German trailers? Some people will be excited if that's possible. Thank you
Sleep function cvaction
Thank you very much Matt, now it works.
Trailers not working in Movies
hi, try to install this zip via addon. then try again. click
Sleep function cvaction
ok, meinst du drei scripte einzeln schreiben oder alles in ein script schreiben licht ein, sleep und dann dimmen. ich lese gerade raus, dass ich ja .cvaction erstelle und bei dir steht .pseaction. könnte es daran liegen? ich erkläre dir mal kurz warum ich so ein aufwand betreibe. am anfang kommt eine vorschau mit alte 80er werbung. dann kommt ein neues single file und das licht soll 3min an bleiben und danach langsam aus gehen. das action file muss also vor das single file stehen um zu greifen.
Sleep function cvaction
Ich bin jetzt nochmal alles durch gegangen. mir kommt es so vor, dass die sleep funktion nicht funktioniert. wenn ich die action ausführe wird sofort das licht langsam ausgeschaltet, dass funktioniert. aber die sleep funktion reagiert nicht. hier nochmal wie ich die .cvaction geschrieben habe und weiter unten dann das bild. I've now gone through everything again. It seems to me that the sleep function doesn't work. When I carry out the action, the light is immediately switched off slowly, which works. but the sleep function doesn't respond. Here again how I wrote the .cvaction and then the picture below. # Philips Hue: Licht ein sleep://180000 PUT: { "on": true } # Philips Hue: Licht ausschalten PUT: { "on": false, "transitiontime": 500 }
Sleep function cvaction
vielen dank an matt und dir marius. schön, dass du es nochmal auf deutsch geschrieben hast. ich werde einfach nochmal schritt für schritt durchgehen und testen.
Sleep function cvaction
First of all, thank you for your help. I have now written it the way you recommended. but the light just stays on. I thought it would stay on for 3 minutes and then slowly go off. # Philips Hue sleep://180000 PUT:{"on":true,"bri":100,"transitiontime":30}
Sleep function cvaction
Thx. The light should stay on for e.g. 3 minutes and then slowly go out. Is there a possibility? I have a single file with curtains up and advertising. Now the action file should be set first and, for example, leave the light on for 3 minutes and then it should slowly turn off. Hope you understand that.
Sleep function cvaction
hi, I would like to install a sleep function in the cvaction. How does this work? The light should stay on for e.g. 3 minutes and then slowly go out I've tried it before but somehow it doesn't work. See pictures. Thanks. # Philips Hue: Licht ausschalten sleep://3500 PUT: { "on": false, "transitiontime": 500 }
preview help
aber warum geht es bei mir? habe ja den gleichen skin. schade. du versuche doch mal die 2 datein zu loeaden und einzufügen.