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  1. KodiUser1138 changed their profile photo
  2. I don't use Shield. I use WIndows 10 PCs.
  3. Found the required change to hide the working box. Thanks! Still can't skip trivia and pagedown used to skip backwards through the CV sequence but will only jump back to the beginning of the current module.
  4. Ah, still finding my sea legs around these waters. But I think it's a cool idea if possible. Best of both worlds.
  5. Version 0.2.5 which I believe I found on the site here? What in the skin causes the working popup? I use a custom skin that isn't available to the public and can update it to remove this popup if I know where I'm looking for it and what to fix.
  6. Curious if it's possible to have a context menu for PSE mapped to a right-click on as kin built button so you can left-click the button to start the regular PSE sequence per the proper parameters but also be able to right-click (or another control type action equal to) that would bring up the context menu allowing you to select the sequence you'd like to run? My reasoning for this is to have the skin button run my default full PSE sequence anytime without the context menu pop-up as it's nicer and cleaner especially when hosting guests. But sometimes I'd like to run a shorts PSE sequence before a movie, something with a trailer or 2, the audio bumper and then automatic control over home automation lights through Z-wave). Any idea if this is possible?
  7. The Page Up to skip trivia doesn't work at all. Believe me I've tried many, many times. It did in CV no problem. I use local trailers just fine. I should have been more clear, local trailers for media in the Kodi database don't scrape like they did in CV and then don't playback for that module. It's the local cartoon shorts module that sometimes skips for some reason. Also hoping it may be possible for directory based modules to be able to access sub-directories (I'd like to sort my cartoons by studio). The working pop-up is there after each segment. Not sure if that's a skin thing (custom Kodi skin I've been building for a decade) or something else.
  8. Finally moving the media servers I manage forward to Kodi v20/21 and moving over from CinemaVision to PSE. Doing some testing so far I've found a few issues. First, trivia cannot be skipped. This isn't running on a shield it's in Windows 10. Second local trailers do not scrape and therefor do not work. Third, I believe there was a fix for this before but between each video the "working" pop-up gets annoying and would be great to have that hidden. Fourth along the same line if the feature to be played is on a hard drive that is currently sleeping by the time the sequence gets to playing the main feature you are greeted with a long pause while the drive wakes up. Would be great to advance que the feature and get that drive up and running while the sequence plays out. Fifth through multiple tests I've had some skips over one segment for cartoon shorts. Not sure why as they are on the same HDD as the movie trailers folder (not local database trailers) which haven't failed to play. Happy to see the spirit of CE live on and will continue testing different sequences. Haven't delved into the 3D side yet or the actions to control Z-Wave scenes.
  9. Are you talking about setting up Kodi in general or just the PSE add-on specific? If the later there's a lot of youtube videos and such on setting up you Kodi and lots to learn. If you just mean the PSE content I'd look for Cinema Vision and Cinema Experience videos and guides. Lots of trial and error but once you get the hang of either it's not that difficult and fairly intuitive.. Till something is broken because something else was "fixed" haha.
  10. I'm having this issue on Windows 10 with Kodi v21. Can't skip past trivia or even move slides forward with arrow keys. Been a user since Cinema Experience. So far this new version seems to have nice improvements, if only a glitch in the function currently.