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Everything posted by SFP_Matt

  1. You might want to look into kodi.call_method in Home Assistant. I haven't played a movie from inside home assistant, though when I've got more time I intend to do it. For now I have a powershell script that can play a movie, thanks to some guidance from a user on the old addon board called shredder(?). Here's the chunk of powershell code I use to generate the call. You can pick out your method/parameters etc from in there. It may not be much, but it should be able to get you started. Let me know what you come up with--so I can steal that too! $data = @{ 'jsonrpc' = '2.0' 'method' = 'Addons.ExecuteAddon' 'id' = 1 params = @{ addonid = 'script.preshowexperience' params = @{movieid = "$pickedmovieid"} } } $json = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $url = 'http://'+$playerip+':'+$playerport+'/jsonrpc' $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpwd) Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Credential $mycreds -Body $json -ContentType application/json -Method POST #-AllowUnencryptedAuthentication
  2. SFP_Matt replied to Matt's post in a topic in Smart Home
    The action files I'm using that hit nabu casa webhooks for home assistant look like this: # The following is the Execution Line https://hooks.nabu.casa/<biglongwebhookstring> # The following is the Data Line POST: {"on":true} Hope that helps? I'm sorry, I'm just back from a long busy month away, and just getting back up to speed with things. I'll help as much as I can, but my knowledge is limited, and I'm wayyyy behind on real life right now.
  3. SFP_Matt replied to Stovies's post in a topic in Support
    I use the Shield, and I haven't had this issue. I'll be down in the theater later and I'll check again, but I figured I would've noticed it by now. What screen res are you using?
  4. You'd be fine, I'd imagine...you'll just see those annoying buffering graphics and text. You can make modifications yourself to the skin files if you have access to them to block those messages from appearing. Check out this thread--I grabbed the old CV documentation for skin modification and it works for me, as long as use use the pse script name instead of CV's.
  5. It's not just that, it's the loading and buffering dialogs etc during the sequence--the skin's xml files need to be modified to suppress those messages while the addon is running to make things look like they flow more smoothly
  6. Eminence is a good home theater one.
  7. I'm a big fan of the stuff I get from https://www.priyansh.net/store/ . It's quick, not too expensive, and always impresses. (not a paid advertisement...just a happy customer)
  8. SFP_Matt posted a post in a topic in Support
    I've got 3 minutes of trivia with music randomly selected from a folder playing at 75% volume. What's happening is that at the 3 minute mark, there's an audible bump in volume on the music (sometimes just for a split second, sometimes it maintains the higher volume), and trivia hangs on whatever slide it's on. I remember in testing for getting CV to work with an earlier version of Kodi, there was something similar, but I can't quite remember the circumstances. Will update as I gather more information. Sequence runs fine without music...this does seem familiar... Just ran through again and was able to tail logs and see what was going on. Here's the relevant part of the log: 2023-02-08 20:58:54.523 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Playing next item: IMAGE.QUEUE: 191secs 2023-02-08 20:58:54.742 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Playing music playlist: 124 song(s) 2023-02-08 20:58:54.742 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Setting volume to: 1 2023-02-08 20:58:55.141 T:21546 info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecAndroidMediaCodec::Open() Use default handling for non encrypted stream 2023-02-08 20:58:55.142 T:21546 info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder mp3float 2023-02-08 20:58:55.226 T:21546 info <general>: AudioDecoder: File is queued 2023-02-08 20:58:55.227 T:19609 info <general>: CActiveAE::ApplySettings - Forcing samplerate to 48000 2023-02-08 20:58:55.238 T:21546 info <general>: PAPlayer::PrepareStream - Ready 2023-02-08 20:58:55.308 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Setting volume to: 75 (75%) 2023-02-08 20:58:55.309 T:21609 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Fade: START (1) - 3000ms 2023-02-08 20:58:55.309 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/3256-1_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 20:58:55.444 T:21610 error <CWebserver[8080]>: failed to handle HTTP request for /image/ 2023-02-08 20:58:55.510 T:21458 info <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages.. 2023-02-08 20:58:55.510 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: MUSIC STARTED 2023-02-08 20:58:57.601 T:21615 error <CWebserver[8080]>: failed to handle HTTP request for /image/ 2023-02-08 20:58:58.358 T:21609 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Fade: END (75) 2023-02-08 20:58:58.628 T:21617 error <CWebserver[8080]>: failed to handle HTTP request for /image/ 2023-02-08 20:59:10.467 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/3256-1_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 20:59:14.984 T:19598 info <general>: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections 2023-02-08 20:59:17.634 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): ImageQueue: Marking image as watched 2023-02-08 20:59:17.652 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Frame By Frame (Classic Legacy)/TheTown_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 20:59:32.817 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Frame By Frame (Classic Legacy)/TheTown_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 20:59:39.967 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): ImageQueue: Marking image as watched 2023-02-08 20:59:39.983 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Classic Legacy)/1805-9_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 20:59:55.120 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Classic Legacy)/1805-9_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:00:02.260 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): ImageQueue: Marking image as watched 2023-02-08 21:00:02.276 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Reel Trivia Volume One/copland_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:00:17.430 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Reel Trivia Volume One/copland_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:00:24.575 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): ImageQueue: Marking image as watched 2023-02-08 21:00:24.589 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/2321-16_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:00:39.779 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/2321-16_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:00:46.960 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): ImageQueue: Marking image as watched 2023-02-08 21:00:46.973 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/2654-2_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:02.152 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/2654-2_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:09.291 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): ImageQueue: Marking image as watched 2023-02-08 21:01:09.305 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Jungle Book 1967 HD/JungleBook1967qa_8_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:24.433 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (3s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Jungle Book 1967 HD/JungleBook1967qa_8_c1.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:27.539 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (3s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Jungle Book 1967 HD/JungleBook1967qa_8_c2.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:30.644 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (3s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Jungle Book 1967 HD/JungleBook1967qa_8_c3.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:33.751 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (3s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Jungle Book 1967 HD/JungleBook1967qa_8_c4.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:36.857 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (3s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Jungle Book 1967 HD/JungleBook1967qa_8_c5.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:39.962 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Jungle Book 1967 HD/JungleBook1967qa_8_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:43.787 T:21826 info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecAndroidMediaCodec::Open() Use default handling for non encrypted stream 2023-02-08 21:01:43.787 T:21826 info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder mp3float 2023-02-08 21:01:43.875 T:21826 info <general>: AudioDecoder: File is queued 2023-02-08 21:01:43.876 T:19609 info <general>: CActiveAE::ApplySettings - Forcing samplerate to 48000 2023-02-08 21:01:43.889 T:21826 info <general>: PAPlayer::PrepareStream - Ready 2023-02-08 21:01:47.073 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -] (API): ImageQueue: Marking image as watched 2023-02-08 21:01:47.088 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (15s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/1870-11_q.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:01:49.126 T:21608 info <general>: PAPlayer::ProcessStream - Stream Finished 2023-02-08 21:01:49.425 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: MUSIC STARTED 2023-02-08 21:01:49.590 T:21833 error <CWebserver[8080]>: failed to handle HTTP request for /image/ 2023-02-08 21:02:02.247 T:21458 info <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages.. 2023-02-08 21:02:02.247 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: -IMAGE.QUEUE: IMAGE (7s): '/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/cinemavision/Trivia/Movie Trivia (Vibrant)/1870-11_a.jpg' 2023-02-08 21:02:08.612 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Setting volume to: 1 2023-02-08 21:02:09.114 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Restoring volume to: 100 2023-02-08 21:02:09.115 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Setting volume to: 1 2023-02-08 21:02:09.615 T:21458 info <general>: [- PreShow Experience -]: Experience: Restoring volume to: 75 2023-02-08 21:02:09.628 T:21458 error <general>: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<-- - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS! Error Type: <class 'AttributeError'> Error Contents: 'Thread' object has no attribute 'isAlive' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 1215, in showImageQueue action = self.showImageFromQueue(image, info, first=True) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 1158, in showImageFromQueue self.stopMusic(info.imageQueue) File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 1092, in stopMusic self.volume.set(1, fade_time=int(image_queue.musicFadeOut * 1000)) File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 129, in set self._fade(current, volume, fade_time) File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 143, in _fade if self.fading(): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 87, in fading return self._fader.isAlive() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'Thread' object has no attribute 'isAlive' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 453, in wrapper return func(self, *args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 576, in onPlayBackStopped self.next() File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 1319, in next if not self.showImageQueue(playable): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 1248, in showImageQueue self.stopMusic(action != 'BACK' and image_queue or None) File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 1092, in stopMusic self.volume.set(1, fade_time=int(image_queue.musicFadeOut * 1000)) File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 129, in set self._fade(current, volume, fade_time) File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 143, in _fade if self.fading(): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.preshowexperience/lib/experience.py", line 87, in fading return self._fader.isAlive() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'Thread' object has no attribute 'isAlive' -->End of Python script error report<--
  9. SFP_Matt replied to Matt's post in a topic in Smart Home
    I use actions for lights via Home Assistant, and to send commands back to Kodi to change settings (audio passthrough on/off, video refresh rate matching, etc.) Nothing motorized or anything just yet.