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Dreamaxx Premium Cinema

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  1. I'll try it on my Shield TV Pro again this weekend. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe a problem with the movie I selected. I'll definitely give feedback. Today I tested it on my little Nvidia Shield TV. Same configuration. When I selected PSE everything was grayed out. see image attached. When I go back to version 0.2.5 it worked. Don´t know why?
  2. OK, I guess I'll have to test it a little more carefully then. I'm not sure what could have caused it
  3. Maybe this will help a bit. I tested PreShow Experience 0.3.0.a2 on my Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2017 and Kodi 21 Omega with Skin: Estuary for PreShow Experience in Kodi 21 Omega 1.0.0. I wanted to test the "Execute Action at last Chapter" function for a few films. Unfortunately, the version didn't work on the Shield and caused Kodi to freeze shortly after I activated PSE. Kodi stopped, then continued to run after 1-2 minutes and froze again, etc. The whole thing didn't run smoothly. Even actions like the curtain up were delayed. After I reinstalled version 0.2.5, everything ran like clockwork again.
  4. It´s running. great thanks
  5. Can someone at least tell me where I can find the KaiDialogToast.xml? Or, if this doesn't exist, as in my case, tell me what the xml is called with which I can influence the GUI.ShowNotification. In any case, KaiDialogToast.xml cannot be found under: \\SHIELD\internal\Android\data\org.xbmc.kodi\files\.kodi\addons\skin.estuary\xml. Thank you
  6. I test a little bit and Matts pseaction file is running perfect. My fault, I test first with the default Sequence and that doesn´t work. If I test it with a new Sequence everything is running perfekt. I can also show a notification, but if anyone has an idea, how to show a image.jpg, I´m absolutely happy.😃 Here is the pseaction Test with Notification before the Pause: sleep://20000 http://kodi:kodi@ {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.ShowNotification","params":{"title":"Pause","message":"10 Minuten","displaytime":7000},"id":0} sleep://2000 http://kodi:kodi@ {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction","params":{"action":"playpause"},"id":0} sleep://20000 http://kodi:kodi@ {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction","params":{"action":"playpause"},"id":0}
  7. Hello, Now I finally got around to testing the script. I put it in front of the feature in PSE as a script.pseaction file. If I go to action and test in edit sequence, it shows that everything is ok. But if I let it run with a film, the pause doesn't work. Nothing happens. I have enabled “Allow control via http” in Kodi. Have I perhaps forgotten something? Have you an Idea? Another question would be, is it possible to display a reference to the break as an image.jpg before the break? Something Like this: sleep://3600000 http://username:password@ip#:8080/jsonrpc {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.ShowNotification","params": {"image":"image://test//hdr10.png", "displaytime":5000 },"id":"0} sleep://2000 http://username:password@ip#:8080/jsonrpc {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction","params":{"action":"playpause"},"id":0} sleep://600000 http://username:password@ip#:8080/jsonrpc {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction","params":{"action":"playpause"},"id":0}
  8. Thank You very much. I will try it tomorrow.
  9. Basically, I had built in a 10 minute break for longer films. A notification was displayed, the projector was switched to sleep mode and the light was dimmed slightly. It would be a shame if it didn't work anymore. Actually, it can't be that difficult to send a command to Kodi via PSE.
  10. I would like to automatically pause the player after a specified time and start it again after a certain time. I do it a few years ago. but since Kodi 18 I think the http funktion doesn´t work. But I think there is a chance.
  11. Hello, I want to send Kodi via PSE action Module to Pause or Play the movie. Her is my File but it doesn´t work. I think that file is wrong. Can anybody help me with the file? Thanks in advance... I write in my action file: POST:http://192.168.xx.xx:8080/jsonrpc -u kodi:password -d {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.PlayPause","params":{"playerid":0,"play":false},"id":1}
  12. It worked like a champ 🤗. Thank you very much.
  13. Hello, the action files for pause, abort, resume are working. When I run another action file for example: "beamer power on, light on, curtain open" etc. everything is working fine. The only problem is, that the time delay is not working. Have you already found a solution? is it a problem in PSE or another with kodi?
  14. What I can say only if I „Pause“ the Light‘s going on. This action scene is working.
  15. I tested it and unfortunately the time delay doesn't work. Does anyone have a tip as to why it doesn't work. According to the test, all okay, but the test only delays one second. Why doesn't it work with 5 sec. e.g. I need the delay for my system.