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  1. 4 points
    I will be working on some site updated over the holidays. It may be a little bumpy during the process.
  2. Hi, as i am currently unable to access the file system of my shieldtv for reasons i cannot explain, i can only suggest a solution. Everything else is up to the respective balster. Since I can't download the zip file of the installation either, I'll show my way here using the original Cinemavision. The paths differ only in the names. The files are (as far as I could see) the same. Trailers are provided via the so-called scraper.py files. I mainly use tmdb. So I can find my corresponding scraper under [KodiAddOn]\script.preshowexperience\lib\preshowexperience\scrapers\tmdb Open the date scraper.py with a corresponding editor (I use Notpad++) and look in the first lines for the BASE_URL This looks as follows BASE_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{endpoint}?language=en-US&api_key=' + API_KEY I then change this to BASE_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{endpoint}?language=en-DE&api_key=' + API_KEY Read here -> https://developer.themoviedb.org/docs/languages Save, restart Kodi and enjoy the trailers in German (or any other language). Hope that helps For all who are interrested in and are a
  3. The PreShow Experience addon for Kodi. It's the #1 "wow factor" when someone sees it in action for the first time -- trivia, intros, trailers, Philips Hue lighting control. It creates a very unique home theater experience.
  4. My JVC X790 projector is behind the first row and just above the second row. I set it about 12 feet back from lens to screen to allow a 10-foot screen at the shortest throw to maximize brightness. If I ever need to replace it I'll likely get a JVC NZ500 and set it about 16 feet back to accommodate a 10-foot screen at the longest throw to maximize contrast (it'll be plenty bright).
  5. Digital Cinema PreShow Experience Bumper Set 4k Digital Cinema bumper set with 5.1 surround sound Videos include: Courtesy Feature Intro Feature Outro Intermission PreShow Theater Intro Theater Outro Trailers Intro Trailers Outro Trivia Intro Trivia Outro Sponsors File Information Submitter Matt Submitted 02/11/2025 Category PreShow Bumper Sets View File
  6. 2 points
    Happy 2025 everyone. I hope you’re ringing in the new year with joy, relaxation, and maybe even a few of your favorite movies. There’s nothing like cozying up at home, diving into a great story, and sharing the magic of cinema with loved ones. Here’s to a year filled with happiness, laughter, and endless movie nights! 🍿✨ What are you most looking forward to in 2025? Let us know—we’d love to hear!
  7. I just watched trailers in English, German, French & Spanish. 1 important thing to note is the language is set at the point of the scan, not at playback. There's also a file stored in PreShow's data so that you can hammer the scraper, so the trailer language can't be updated quickly unless that file is deleted. In other words, you can't quickly change between languages. I went with what I think would be the 10 most common NA or European languages. This should be in the next dev or official version of PreShow. Also, I'm going to change the title of this topic since it affects other languages.
  8. Thanks for pointing that out @BananenTV. I think that the full list of tmdb languages include: Code Language Region ar-AE Arabic United Arab Emirates ar-SA Arabic Saudi Arabia bg-BG Bulgarian Bulgaria bn-BD Bengali Bangladesh ca-ES Catalan Spain ch-GU Chamorro Guam cs-CZ Czech Czech Republic da-DK Danish Denmark de-DE German Germany el-GR Greek Greece en-US English United States eo-EO Esperanto - es-ES Spanish Spain es-MX Spanish Mexico eu-ES Basque Spain fa-IR Persian Iran fi-FI Finnish Finland fr-CA French Canada fr-FR French France he-IL Hebrew Israel hi-IN Hindi India hu-HU Hungarian Hungary id-ID Indonesian Indonesia it-IT Italian Italy ja-JP Japanese Japan ka-GE Georgian Georgia kn-IN Kannada India ko-KR Korean South Korea lt-LT Lithuanian Lithuania ml-IN Malayalam India nb-NO Norwegian Bokmål Norway nl-NL Dutch Netherlands no-NO Norwegian Norway pl-PL Polish Poland pt-BR Portuguese Brazil pt-PT Portuguese Portugal ro-RO Romanian Romania ru-RU Russian Russia sk-SK Slovak Slovakia sl-SI Slovenian Slovenia sr-RS Serbian Serbia sv-SE Swedish Sweden ta-IN Tamil India te-IN Telugu India th-TH Thai Thailand tr-TR Turkish Turkey uk-UA Ukrainian Ukraine vi-VN Vietnamese Vietnam zh-CN Chinese China zh-TW Chinese Taiwan I'll make a setting for the language for tmdb. Anywant want to test other languages and let me know if they should be added to PreShow?
  9. @mariusGlad that you got the skin working for you. As a recommendation for everyone, if you have an addon/skin that you rely on, don't update to new versions of Kodi on your main system until you've seen that the addon/skin is compatible with it.
  10. The skin was updated a couple of days ago with official support for PSE: https://github.com/beatmasterRS/skin.arctic.zephyr.mod/commit/42844fc6e6434d6486747765232ad170552f2aa8 It works perfectly on Kodi 21.
  11. Hey @ani. Make sure that you've restarted Kodi after installing PreShow. There are 2 ways to launch PreShow. The 1st is to open the context menu and select PreShow Experience. The 2nd is to install a skin that has PreShow in it. I don't keep track of all of the skins that work with PreShow, but here are a few that have been modified: https://preshowexperience.com/files/category/7-skins/ Let me know if you have issues after trying these.
  12. Du musst dafür die DialogBusy Datei in deiner Kodi Skin bearbeiten. Heimkinopraxis.de hat dafür eine Anleitung. Bei manchen der zur Verfügung gestellten Skins ist es auch schon gemacht.
  13. It's currently just straight random order, so if you have 75% of your slides in 1 folder, then ~75% of what is displayed will be from that folder. The only current option is to put slides in different folders and set the trivia folder in different sequences to play them. The upcoming versions of PreShow will include some more filters and ways to differentiate what slides you are getting, and at some point I hope to get more trivia added.
  14. I removed the download links for the previous dev version. I only keep them up long enough for me to get the feedback that I need. The most recent dev version is available here:
  15. If you want the best quality for youtube trailers, please use Matt Huisman's YouTube for Trailers addon. It is a drop in replacement for the standard YouTube addon. It doesn't provide access to youtube, but with a $5 yearly donation you can get the highest quality youtube trailers without all the hassle of the API. I'm in no way affiliated with him, just a fan of his work.
  16. I've found a / the solution: Just changed the Default Skin... If you are also looking for it: \\IP\Share\Storage\Android\data\com.zidoo.zdmc\files\.kodi\addons\skin.confluence\backgrounds --> SKINDEFAULT.jpg Robert +++ CLOSED +++
  17. Glad you got it working. For anyone that reads this, please start your actions files with something very simple to make sure that it is working, and then add onto it. If you have another action file that is working, just copy that to start.
  18. I kinda reverse engineer the Sponsors folder to put 10-12 minutes of adverts in before the trailers like most British cinemas do - very different structure here compared to the states: Theater Intro > Advertiser Opening Ident > Commercials > Advertiser Closing Ident > Silver Spot (60 Second Commercial) > Trailers Intro > 5 x Trailers > Gold Spot (60 Second Commercial) > BBFC Black Card (Film Rating) > Feature Some chains put their intros/branding either just before trailers or near the start of the feature but that's the general setup I work to with PSE playlists.
  19. Movie Poster App -modded- Modified Movie Poster AppThis is a modified version of the movie poster app from Great Dane Cinema. Modified to work with Preshow experience to show the preshow logos during your sequence. This is temporary solution until the Great Dane Cinema Can be requested to make the necessary changes to the program .. *Notes* Youtube dl files have been updated as of 1-11-25 for Preview Trailers to work Some other modifications Icons Ect. for my preferences were added for my build and are not Part of the original authors program App InstalationDownloaded the 7zip file, simply extract the contents using 7-Zip to a location of your choice and run the MoviePoster.exe file to launch the program. Suggestions: create desktop shortcuts or start menu shortcut for the main program Exe , You movie poster apps Temp Cache , And your Movie Posters Storage folder for ease of access.. Temp Cache Location Example C:\Users\<your pc name>\AppData\Local\MoviePoster Movie posters default Storage location Example C:\Users\<your pc name>\Documents\MoviePoster About Movie Poster AppMoviePoster digital poster display software is what your home theater has been missing! MoviePoster is designed to run on a Windows PC connected to a large LCD display in portrait format. The software automatically downloads and displays digital movie posters for display in your custom home theater. Gone are the days of changing out a paper poster. MoviePoster will automatically cycle through posters for upcoming movies, or you can even define your own custom list. Now you can quickly and easily change your poster display in seconds. Along with the poster itself, MoviePoster will display metadata and even thr trailer for the movie! Great Dane Cinema https://movieposterapp.com File Information Submitter NightWatcherTheater Submitted 01/11/2025 Category Other Files View File
  20. I looked at this for a solid hour and finally solved it. For whatever reason my folder structure had 'trailers' folders in two places - one folder was empty, the deeper folder was the correct one. By selecting the folder that was empty, I suppose PSE was looking for content via addon in lieu of that. What's weird is that I did have tmdb/ etc. disabled, but the message still showed. Either way, my problem is solved. Maybe someone in a similar position will find this useful - double-check folder location validity ! Thanks boys.
  21. Here’s how it looks after bit of tweaking. I’d like to be able to either hide or center the bottom audio / AR / resolution icons to make it looks more symmetrical but haven’t found a way to do that yet. Custom posters (eg. RoboCop) are missing all bottom icons entirely. Looks more complete when everything is populated (eg. Doctor Strange). Unfortunately development on the MoviePosterApp seems to have halted for over a year and not sure if any updates will be coming any time soon.
  22. New Year, New Kodi? Not quite, but here we go with the next point release of the 21.x "Omega" series. The usual story: bugfixes, not features. The full changelog can be found on Github, as usual. Release Summary Major user-facing changes include: Library/Sources and Management Fixed a bug that ignored images in the ...\season\.actors folder. The \season\.actors folders have been deprecated and all actors are saved in the \TV Show\.actors folder. (forum, PR) Restore performance of movie addition to the library to v20 (Nexus) level (PR) Fixed/improved playback from some UPnP server software (at least UMS and Gerbera. Some NAS UPnP servers are based on UMS under the covers). Playback starts faster and multiple videos can be played consecutively. (PR) Preserve special characters in names of scanned or added movie extras (PR) Replace context menu items 'Set actor/artist thumb' with 'Choose art' to make it possible again to add/and set other artwork, not only thumbnails (PR) Fixed mark watched/unwatched operations missing in certain context menus (PR) Honour importwatchedstate and importresumepoint settings from advancedsettings.xml (PR) Video Fixed HDR passthrough on video sources with partial or missing display metadata (only GL/GLES platforms) (PR) Fixed HDR to SDR tone mapping on video sources with partial or missing display metadata (only GL/GLES platforms) (PR) Fixed possible incorrect picture metadata if playing different HDR videos without stopping the previous one and the videos had different HDR metadata (all platforms) (PR) Fixed on Blu-Ray discs some BD-j menu items not displaying correctly due to multi-thread timing issues (PR) Fixed deletion of bookmarks in video if the video has also chapters (PR) Music Fixed an issue with the last track duration of some albums stored in mka containers (PR) Plugins Fixed missing context menu entries for plugin-provided items (PR) Filesystem Restored the ability of enter credentials when browsing SMB shares (only POSIX platforms) (PR) Updated cURL to 8.10.0 to fix issues with FTP TLS sources (PR) PVR EPG search fixes (PR) Fixed resume points for recordings not honoured (PR) Fixed 'User has no access / server' error if broadcasts have been shifted (PR) Fixed default select action 'show info' for PVR items (PR) Skin/GUI Added Donation tab in System Settings (PR) In preparation for our next major release, we've been updating the translation strings in all 78 of our binary add-ons (audio, inputstream, peripheral, screensaver, vfs, visualisation...). These updates have now all been backported to this release, so there's a bonus of a year's worth of fixes and improvements here. Android Greatly improved joystick support on Android (PR) Fixed possible crash when getInterfaceName method returns null (PR) Fixed resuming paused media playback not working via play/pause media key press (PR) Fixed black screen when resuming app from minimised state (PR) Linux Fixed memory corruption when high quality video scalers are used (PR) Fixed possible infinite loop when using GBM and a DRM Atomic Commit fails (PR) Fixed windowed Kodi becoming larger on every start when running on Wayland with a scale factor (PR) OSX Fixed crash when trying to detect optical media (PR) Windows Fixed the crash issue that occurred when accessing the computer using Remote Desktop Protocol (PR) Fixed the ability of the built-in WOL feature to wake up servers ([PR](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/25707 )) Fixed the potential crash occurred when the system contained environment variables name with a length of more than 64 characters (PR) Fixed HDR feature did not work on Windows 11 24H2 under some circumstances (PR) Improved support for WCG displays on Windows 11 24H2 (PR) We always want to thank everyone who has helped us track down and fix any issues. We endeavour to minimise the issues everyone experiences, but with such a large project, and the fact everyone contributing to Kodi is a volunteer, issues and bugs are a part of life. If you happen to experience any bugs/issues, don't hesitate to reach out on the forums, or raise an issue on Github. As this is a point release, there are no major changes since the previous version, and you should be fine to install this straight over the top of any existing Kodi 21.x installation - indeed, this will happen automatically on many platforms. However, as for all software installations, back up your userdata beforehand if you've any doubts or have anything you can't afford to lose (and definitely do this if you're going for a major version upgrade). A list of all changes for this version can be found at GitHub. If you want to read back on the full history of v21 itself, or of previous versions, you can find the corresponding articles in the relevant blog posts. Application deployment on different platforms (notably the Microsoft Store) can vary considerably due to circumstances outside of our control, so just be patient, and the update will inevitably find its way through. Android Deployment We always do what's known as a "staged" deployment roll out for Android. So if you didn't receive the update immediately, it should have come through over the following week or so, and rollout should now be complete. View the full article
  23. Yes just the trailers , it has a new update it needs to work but if your not using it dont worry about that one .. You need to copy over the XBMCmediaInterface folder Its in Great Dane Cinema/MoviePoster/Plugins/ Your settings should be fine since they are saved in your temporary cache Its been almost a year since i changed everything im pretty sure there were 4 dll files that i had changed from CinemaVision to Preshow im double checking now but i think everything was in the plugin folder . I will use Dreamweaver to search to see if there's any more files that need transfered over Just a side note i didn't change the cs files where it calls for the filename “moviecinemavision” so if you want to change the artwork you will have to use that filename .. I figured the creator would be updating it anyway so why change it , all i just changed the dll files that would see CinemaVision playing to Preshow so it would be functional till hopefully it gets updated
  24. Christmas by the Fireplace This is a 4k Christmas bumper with 5.1 surround sound. It follows lights to the tree by the fireplace. File Information Submitter Matt Submitted 12/26/2024 Category Holiday Bumpers View File
  25. I second @MidnightWatcher choices with the exception of Scrooge. My third choice is Scrooged (1988). Watching those 3 every Christmas takes me back. Those are my top three “Must Watch” but I have an assortment of other films that include the usual suspects (Home Alone 1/2, How The Grinch Stole Christmas animated and Jim Carrey, It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, etc) and some oddballs like Trapped In Paradise (1994), The Family Man (2000), Surviving Christmas (2004), and Krampus.
  26. White Christmas Enjoy the Movie Bumper 4k Christmas bumper with surround sound File Information Submitter Matt Submitted 12/10/2024 Category Holiday Bumpers View File
  27. Hello everyone, First of all I would like to thank you for the great program. you did a great job! Can you set somewhere that only trailers are streamed in German? Thanks
  28. The code is about halfway complete.
  29. Thank you. It works perfectly. If you change "language=en-DE" like this, the trailers remain in English. If you change it to "language=de-DE" then the trailers are in German. Thank you for your encouragement. So folks, you can now enjoy the trailers from TMDB in German.
  30. That's great. How exactly did you set it up so that you also have German trailers? Some people will be excited if that's possible. Thank you
  31. Chrome & Fire 4k bumper set with 5.1 surround sound audio View File 4k Chrome & Fire bumper set with 5.1 audio. Videos include: Countdown Courtesy Feature Intro Feature Outro PreShow Intermission Sponsors Theater Intro Theater Outro Trailers Intro Trailers Outro Trivia Intro Trivia Outro Submitter Matt Submitted 10/15/2024 Category Supporter Early Access  
  32. View File PreShow Halloween Monster 2024 Enjoy this short PreShow monster bumper for Halloween 2024. Submitter Matt Submitted 10/06/2024 Category Holiday Bumpers  
  33. It's been a looooong while since I've messed with this , but here is the full thing to play a movie with preshow using HA. The script below requires parameters unique to your setup at the top, replace everything inside the '' including the brackets. This script is designed to return a list of all movies that have been unwatched and does not contain any movies with the tag of christmas, holiday, or Concert. It also excludes movies with the genre of Documentary (you can change this if you like). Once a random movie is selected, a few data points are output to a csv file for history tracking, this is not required for functionality, just a fun thing to look back on the history of what has been watched. If all has gone well, the movie should start with the preshow experience sequence designated for that movie based the on criteria that is set for sequences in the preshow experience addon. #Returns a list movie and movie ID #required param ID $username ='[kodi web username]' $pawd = '[kodi web userpassword]' $hostname = '[host ip address]' $port = '[web port number]' $secpwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $pawd -AsPlainText -Force $CSVfilepath = '[full path of csv file, including the name of the file]' ########################################################################### ########################################################################### $data = @{ 'jsonrpc' = '2.0' 'method' = 'VideoLibrary.GetMovies' 'id' = 1 params = @{ properties = @('genre','playcount','year') filter = @{ and = @{ field = 'playcount' operator = 'lessthan' value = '1' }, @{ field = "tag" operator = "doesnotcontain" value = @('Christmas','Holiday','Concert') }, @{ field = "genre" operator = "doesnotcontain" value = "Documentary" }, @{ field = "tag" operator = "doesnotcontain" value = "concert" } } } } $json = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $url = 'http://'+$hostname+':'+$port+'/jsonrpc' $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpwd) $webreq = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Credential $mycreds -Body $json -ContentType application/json -Method POST $unwatchedrandommovie = ($webreq.content|convertfrom-json).result.movies|get-random ########################################################################### ########################################################################### #Store the movie ID in a variable $pickedmovie = $unwatchedrandommovie ########################################################################### #Append movie to CSV file for tracking $now = Get-Date $Content = [PSCustomObject]@{MovieName = $pickedmovie.label; DateWatched=$now; Genre=$pickedmovie.genre[0];ReleaseYear=$pickedmovie.year|out-string} #Append to CSV $Content| Export-Csv -Path $CSVfilepath -Append -NoTypeInformation ########################################################################### ########################################################################### #Starts a PreShow Experience sequence $movieid = $pickedmovie.movieid $data = @{ 'jsonrpc' = '2.0' 'method' = 'Addons.ExecuteAddon' 'id' = 1 params = @{ addonid = 'script.preshowexperience' params = @{movieid = "$movieid"} } } $json = $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 $url = 'http://'+$hostname+':'+$port+'/jsonrpc' $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $secpwd) Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Credential $mycreds -Body $json -ContentType application/json -Method POST |out-null Store this in a powershell file somewhere on your desktop or server. Next, you will need the HA agent installed on the machine that the script lives on...this is the forked version of the agent that is actively supported, but you can use the OG version if you like, but it is no longer actively being updated. https://github.com/hass-agent/HASS.Agent Once installed, and configured for your HA instance; create a Powershell command with entity type 'button'..give it a name and friendly name and point to the script using the full path of the script Afterwards you should have a button in the MQTT integration that initiates the script...you can do whatever you like with it from here. I have an automation that stops whatever is playing, clears the playlist, then starts the script which kicks off the preshow sequence. If you use this automation you will need to replace the media_player names with your kodi instance name and also the name of the button to whatever you named it in the Hass Agent. alias: Andrew Office - Kodi - PreShow Experience - Random Movie - Everyday sequence: - alias: Stop Currently Playing Item service: kodi.call_method metadata: {} data: method: Input.ExecuteAction action: stop target: entity_id: media_player.kodi_instancename - alias: Clear Current Playlist service: kodi.call_method metadata: {} data: method: Playlist.Clear playlistid: 0 target: entity_id: media_player.kodi_instancename - service: button.press metadata: {} data: {} target: entity_id: button.name of button entity for kodi script - alias: Open Player service: kodi.call_method metadata: {} data: method: Player.Open item: playlistid: 0 position: 0 target: entity_id: media_player.kodi_instancename mode: single icon: mdi:kodi Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions. I don't come here much so you can send me a message on discord if you like. Discord name: shredder5262
  34. Modern Shockwave Bumper Set View File 4k Modern Shockwave bumper set with surround sound. Videos include: Courtesy Feature Intro Feature Outro Intermission Theater Intro Theater Outro Trailers Intro Trailers Outro Trivia Intro Trivia Outro Sponsors PreShow Experience Submitter Matt Submitted 07/13/2024 Category Supporter Early Access  
  35. @KHCthanks for reporting back. I will add a few additional debug lines to the next dev version to try to figure out what's going on with your system. I'll PM you when it is ready so that we can discuss in more detail.
  36. You should be able to do that already. Go into the PreShow settings and then to the trailers category. Enable Kodi Database (YouTube). This pulls whatever info Kodi has for the movie, which for most people will be YouTube links. If you have local files it will scan those. Then make sure you go to the general tab and rescan your content. Next edit your sequence and edit the trailer module. You want the source to be content and the scraper to be Kodi Database. Let me know if that works for you.
  37. Remember to enable PSE in the settings menu of the movie information screen: As for migrating from your existing installation, you can back up the userdata folder which contains all of your skin settings.
  38. Thanks for quick response and pointing to right direction. Adding skin really helped me going. Thanks, again! ~ Ani
  39. 1 point
    Open PreShow so that it crashes and then restart/relaunch kodi. Then go into the PreShow settings without opening it and post the old log to pastebin. There are many reasons why a pi could crash and I don't think there will be much I can do to fix the issue. I will take a look and see if I can figure anything out though.
  40. @KHC I am still trying to figure out your issue. I'll respond back at a later date. @omarobyI didn't see your log in discord. I tested the credits action on my Nvidia Shield many times and had no problems with the release version. Share the log and I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.
  41. The combined aspect ratios have been fixed and will be in the next version. Let me know if it works for you, excluding the broken aspect ratios.
  42. It was worth a shot. I'm not sure what else to recommend. Here's a topic about the loading icon: And here are some Matrix skins for PreShow: https://preshowexperience.com/files/category/18-skins-for-kodi-20-matrix/
  43. Hi, sorry I was busy the last days. @MattAcid303 wants to play a single file from the "theater intro"-folder. But in this folder there are many videos and everytime he tries to test his Preshow, every video gets played instead of the via "play single file" option choosen one. As soon as every video was played, it starts with the first one again. (I guess that is the reason why he had to abort it in the logfile.) He uses a Himedia q10 pro with Kodi 20.5. @acid303 Hi, sorry für die späte Antwort. Ich habe dein Problem übersetzt und glaube, dass es ein Bug ist. Welche PSE Version nutzt du denn? Kodi 20.5 sollte kein Problem darstellen, das nutze ich auch. Werde gleich mal PSE aktualisieren und schauen, ob der Fehler bei mir auch auftritt, wenn ich eine einzelne Datei auswähle
  44. This is a pretty minor change, but there are now a few default sequences to load.
  45. I think that the file you want to edit is DialogNotification.xml.
  46. I test a little bit and Matts pseaction file is running perfect. My fault, I test first with the default Sequence and that doesn´t work. If I test it with a new Sequence everything is running perfekt. I can also show a notification, but if anyone has an idea, how to show a image.jpg, I´m absolutely happy.😃 Here is the pseaction Test with Notification before the Pause: sleep://20000 http://kodi:kodi@ {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.ShowNotification","params":{"title":"Pause","message":"10 Minuten","displaytime":7000},"id":0} sleep://2000 http://kodi:kodi@ {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction","params":{"action":"playpause"},"id":0} sleep://20000 http://kodi:kodi@ {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Input.ExecuteAction","params":{"action":"playpause"},"id":0}
  47. I think the issue that marius had has been resolved.
  48. It's time! We are very pleased to present the latest and greatest release of Kodi, v21.0 "Omega". With this release we have seen over 3,750 commits since v20.0 "Nexus" was available to the world on January 15th, 2023. As always, this has been a huge effort from many contributors, testers and supporters. Thanks go out to our team members, plus everyone in our community who sent in a pull request, tested and gave feedback, or provided support to users on the forum. We always appreciate your contribution to making Kodi better. Let's review some of the changes you can expect: Major Features FFmpeg 6 Kodi relies significantly on FFmpeg to do a lot of heavy lifting for us. Many developers have contributed to upgrading the project to make use the the newer FFmpeg releases over the past 15 months, initially starting with targeting FFmpeg 5, but later updating to FFmpeg 6. We are always greatly appreciative of the work of all of the Open Source software projects that we rely on on our journey to bring you Kodi. DolbyVision On-the-Fly Profile Conversion For our Android users, a fantastic contribution from quietvoid allows users to convert some less-well supported DV profile types to more well-supported profiles. macOS Now Uses "Native" Windowing Another change that has been years in the making. This was started by some amazing developers many years ago, and we have now been able to finally remove the last remnants of SDL library usage in Kodi. We now use native implementations for window displays on the Apple macOS platform. A New Platform: webOS A new platform can now run Kodi natively: a port to LG webOS TVs has been worked out by some amazing developers who have reverse engineered huge amounts of the webOS media pipelines. One of our newest team members, sundermann, has helped shepherd our newest supported platform, to extend the reach of Kodi to even more devices. In-game Player Viewer Controller configuration for games gets a little better in v21: a window has been added in-game to view which game port each player's controller is currently connected to. Behind the Scenes A large majority of changes are "under the hood" and invisible to users but improve the stability, performance, and safety of Kodi: API changes have been made to evolve Python and binary add-ons and bring new skinning features; there are updates to Kodi dependencies on most if not all Kodi platforms; fixes from regular use of code static-analysis tools, database migration fixes for a smoother update ... and lots more. There are too many individual changes to detail everything. If you would like to know more, please look back through the Omega Alpha to RC2 release announcements and review the GitHub changelog here. Time doesn't stand still, and we have already branched Kodi v22 "P*" for development. Thank you again for your continued support as we continue to make Kodi great! Help Wanted! If you experience any issues or find any remaining bugs, please post in the General Support section of our forum. If you have fixes for issues please submit a pull request with your changes to our master branch on GitHub. We also welcome users who want to help answer questions in the forum or write articles for the wiki. Donate To show support and appreciation for Kodi, please consider making a donation or purchasing merchandise such as a T-shirt or Raspberry Pi case. Your donations are greatly appreciated and help us to function, covering operating expenses, hardware and software licences for developers, and legal fees, as well as paying for team members to attend industry/FLOSS events and our annual conference. Availability Kodi 21.0 "Omega" is being pushed to the usual channels right now, both our own download pages and various app stores/repositories, so should be with your devices shortly. It's worth noting that, for the first time in a while, we've cleared all known blockers, so all supported platforms will be updated just as soon as the various app stores process things. If you are an Android user and wish to update to Kodi 21.0 as soon as possible, you can either sideload, or join the Google Play - Kodi testing track which will get the release submitted more quickly. The "open" release will be promoted from the testing track in a week or two. We strongly advise Android users who use alternative skins to follow up with their skin developer, or to disable auto update before this time period, as not every skin will yet have been updated. View the full article
  49. Here's the Hue guide: Actions are a bit complicated to set up, and do take some time to get right.