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  1. Hi, as i am currently unable to access the file system of my shieldtv for reasons i cannot explain, i can only suggest a solution. Everything else is up to the respective balster. Since I can't download the zip file of the installation either, I'll show my way here using the original Cinemavision. The paths differ only in the names. The files are (as far as I could see) the same. Trailers are provided via the so-called scraper.py files. I mainly use tmdb. So I can find my corresponding scraper under [KodiAddOn]\script.preshowexperience\lib\preshowexperience\scrapers\tmdb Open the date scraper.py with a corresponding editor (I use Notpad++) and look in the first lines for the BASE_URL This looks as follows BASE_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{endpoint}?language=en-US&api_key=' + API_KEY I then change this to BASE_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{endpoint}?language=en-DE&api_key=' + API_KEY Read here -> https://developer.themoviedb.org/docs/languages Save, restart Kodi and enjoy the trailers in German (or any other language). Hope that helps For all who are interrested in and are a
    3 points
  2. I just watched trailers in English, German, French & Spanish. 1 important thing to note is the language is set at the point of the scan, not at playback. There's also a file stored in PreShow's data so that you can hammer the scraper, so the trailer language can't be updated quickly unless that file is deleted. In other words, you can't quickly change between languages. I went with what I think would be the 10 most common NA or European languages. This should be in the next dev or official version of PreShow. Also, I'm going to change the title of this topic since it affects other languages.
    2 points
  3. Thanks for pointing that out @BananenTV. I think that the full list of tmdb languages include: Code Language Region ar-AE Arabic United Arab Emirates ar-SA Arabic Saudi Arabia bg-BG Bulgarian Bulgaria bn-BD Bengali Bangladesh ca-ES Catalan Spain ch-GU Chamorro Guam cs-CZ Czech Czech Republic da-DK Danish Denmark de-DE German Germany el-GR Greek Greece en-US English United States eo-EO Esperanto - es-ES Spanish Spain es-MX Spanish Mexico eu-ES Basque Spain fa-IR Persian Iran fi-FI Finnish Finland fr-CA French Canada fr-FR French France he-IL Hebrew Israel hi-IN Hindi India hu-HU Hungarian Hungary id-ID Indonesian Indonesia it-IT Italian Italy ja-JP Japanese Japan ka-GE Georgian Georgia kn-IN Kannada India ko-KR Korean South Korea lt-LT Lithuanian Lithuania ml-IN Malayalam India nb-NO Norwegian Bokmål Norway nl-NL Dutch Netherlands no-NO Norwegian Norway pl-PL Polish Poland pt-BR Portuguese Brazil pt-PT Portuguese Portugal ro-RO Romanian Romania ru-RU Russian Russia sk-SK Slovak Slovakia sl-SI Slovenian Slovenia sr-RS Serbian Serbia sv-SE Swedish Sweden ta-IN Tamil India te-IN Telugu India th-TH Thai Thailand tr-TR Turkish Turkey uk-UA Ukrainian Ukraine vi-VN Vietnamese Vietnam zh-CN Chinese China zh-TW Chinese Taiwan I'll make a setting for the language for tmdb. Anywant want to test other languages and let me know if they should be added to PreShow?
    2 points
  4. Thx, that was my bad. It’s de-DE indeed.
    1 point
  5. The code is about halfway complete.
    1 point
  6. Sure. I'll add this to my to-do list.
    1 point
  7. In any case, German, you would make some people here happy. Thanks
    1 point
  8. Thank you. It works perfectly. If you change "language=en-DE" like this, the trailers remain in English. If you change it to "language=de-DE" then the trailers are in German. Thank you for your encouragement. So folks, you can now enjoy the trailers from TMDB in German.
    1 point
  9. That's great. How exactly did you set it up so that you also have German trailers? Some people will be excited if that's possible. Thank you
    1 point
  10. Version


    PreShow Experience is a Kodi add-on to provide a movie theater experience for your home! It works with Kodi 19 and up.
    1 point
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