Thank you so much for the Confluence skin in Kodi 21! As I've changed from 20 to 21, the old Confluence didn't work any more... One thing left: Maybe I'm to silly... What's my fault, when I can't set up my background image? I'm using XBMC 21 on my Zidoo instead of pure Kodi 21. When I go to "-Configure skin..." > "Background" > "-Background path:" I do see External storage and my HDD connected to my Zidoo. But the only path in which I can switch is "Root filesystem". Of course, my backg
Is Web 3.0 here? We don't know, but Kore 3.0 certainly is! Shiny, decentralized and software-based, it's ready to take over your old, centralized, atom-based remote.
As a major release there are lots of changes, too many in fact to list here, but the main ones are:
Migration to Google's Material 3 UI guidelines, which include:
Redesign of most of Kore's screens, namely:
Redesign of the notifications
... and lots and lots of code cleaning and generic bug fixing (like for instance, fixing the access to media storage in the local files section).
Given the level of changes, there certainly are bugs lurking around. If you find one, please let us know at the forum or on GitHub so we can make Kore a better remote.
Hope you like it.
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