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Suppress load status during preshow run

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I've switched from Kodi 18 + CinemaVision to Kodi 20 + PreShowExperience recently.

First, thank you very much for continuing supporting/developing this great feature!

During run of my sequence there's is the load status (little blue circle at the center of the screen) visible for short moments between two sequential features. It disturbs the enjyoment of the preshow...

How to prevent that?


I've found out that there's a file "DialogBusy.xml" related to the active skin (e. g. Aeon Nox Silvo).

Line 5 of this file is currently the following:

"<visible>!Window.IsVisible(startup) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(script.cinemavision.running))</visible>"

Maybe it has to adapted to the new script PreShowExperience?


Thank you!

Cheers, Ronny...

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