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Skipping Trivia w/Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019?

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I have an Nvidia Shield and when I get to the trivia sequence I am unable to skip it to move on to the next sequence. I've pressed every button and nothing is able to do it. Do any of you have any suggestions? Or could we implement something to make that possible in the next update?

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  • 1 month later...
  • Administrator

I think that the next version will have an update for this.  I'll explain the details when that is released, which shouldn't be too long from now.  Until then, you can click the microphone button and say "skip" and it will jump to the next module.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm having this issue on Windows 10 with Kodi v21. Can't skip past trivia or even move slides forward with arrow keys.

Been a user since Cinema Experience. So far this new version seems to have nice improvements, if only a glitch in the function currently.

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  • Administrator

That's not normal, and I don't think I've heard about that behavior elsewhere.  I'd need a log file where you tried to move around in the trivia to look into it further.

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