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Everything posted by Trowhill

  1. Hi, I have been using MoviePoster for a few years now and its awesome to see that there are others that are helping to keep it updated. You can hide the bottom audio / AR / resolution icons by copying the none.png from MoviePoster\Images\Themes\Default\Banners to MoviePoster\Images\Themes\Default\Logos\Resolution , MoviePoster\Images\Themes\Default\Logos\Audio and MoviePoster\Images\Themes\Default\Logos\AspectRatio. For me it did not work in AspectRatio unless I renamed it, I renamed it to 1.png. Once you have copied the files go to Settings and then Appearance, click on Set for Default Audio Flag, choose the none.png, same for Default Resolution Flag and for Default Aspect Flag choose 1.png. After you click on Save movieposter will restart and you should no longer see those icons.