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Everything posted by BananenTV

  1. BananenTV replied to Reallovemachine's post in a topic in Support
    @Mattthx for implementing. 🤗
  2. BananenTV replied to Reallovemachine's post in a topic in Support
    Thx, that was my bad. It’s de-DE indeed.
  3. BananenTV replied to Reallovemachine's post in a topic in Support
    Hi, as i am currently unable to access the file system of my shieldtv for reasons i cannot explain, i can only suggest a solution. Everything else is up to the respective balster. Since I can't download the zip file of the installation either, I'll show my way here using the original Cinemavision. The paths differ only in the names. The files are (as far as I could see) the same. Trailers are provided via the so-called scraper.py files. I mainly use tmdb. So I can find my corresponding scraper under [KodiAddOn]\script.preshowexperience\lib\preshowexperience\scrapers\tmdb Open the date scraper.py with a corresponding editor (I use Notpad++) and look in the first lines for the BASE_URL This looks as follows BASE_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{endpoint}?language=en-US&api_key=' + API_KEY I then change this to BASE_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/{endpoint}?language=en-DE&api_key=' + API_KEY Read here -> https://developer.themoviedb.org/docs/languages Save, restart Kodi and enjoy the trailers in German (or any other language). Hope that helps For all who are interrested in and are a
  4. BananenTV replied to BananenTV's post in a topic in Support
    Ok, thx for the answer. just FYI: I'm using Bitdefender. Maybe they are a bit too sensitive. Thx for clarification
    Did you mean: "The following Dolby TrueHD Audio Format Bumpers are included" or "The following Digital Plus Audio Format Bumpers are included"?
  5. BananenTV posted a post in a topic in Support
    Hi, mybe my last post was gone (iI cannot find it) I still wants to show up that I got an Alert on your page. Infizierte Webseite gefunden Gestern um 9:55 Uhr Funktion: Online-Gefahrenabwehr Wir haben diese gefährliche Seite zu Ihrem Schutz blockiert: root_library.js Name der Bedrohung: GT:JS.Acsogenixx.673.EE6DC3AB Gefährliche Seiten versuchen, Software zu installieren, die dem Gerät schaden, personenbezogene Daten sammeln oder ohne Ihre Zustimmung aktiv werden kann Can you please explain why this is shown up? Ort fix it? Thx BananenTV
  6. BananenTV replied to Reallovemachine's post in a topic in Support
    I changed the language selection in the selected scraper. Works great.