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Everything posted by acid303

  1. Thank you very much, I will test it and let you know.
  2. Many thanks for the quick response. I don't know what you mean by setting the end credits. Could you please explain this to me in more detail? Yes, the internal player is playing. I replaced the Himedia with the Pi4.
  3. Is it possible when I start a film that I go to PSE without the PSE window opening again and having to select its opening credits. THX. One more question. Is it possible when a film shows the end credits that the Hue lamps turn on again? I can't get it. Only when the film is over do my Hue lights turn on again.
  4. I would still like to thank you for your help. I hope I can still manage that. I still have a pi4 so I could look with Kodi 20.5. The only question is again whether 3D ISO is still running. It's a really great program you've developed there. Thank you for that. I have one more question. Is it possible to also access German trailers? or is it possible to integrate this into a new version?
  5. Thanks for the hint. I followed your instructions exactly. Unfortunately it does not work. I don't have a zidoo, just the himedio q10 pro. Himedia has an apk called Wrapper. This will start the external player with an xml file. I can only play all three sound formats with the player. The internal video player works again on pse but cannot play atmos.
  6. Thank you for the info. It depends on the external player. If I use the internal player, everything works. Unfortunately, the internal player cannot play Dolby Atmos. That's why I used the wrapper externally. Now I have to see how I can play back atmos with the internal player. Now I have another question. Is there a way to remove the loading circuit so that the videos don't always load first.
  7. @marius vielen dank für das übersetzten. was meinst du mit pse version.? ok, du meinst preshow damit bestimmt. ja habe die 0.30 von hier.
  8. hi, that doesn't work. As soon as I press play it plays everything in the theater intro even though I only selected one file. When it's finished, it starts again from the beginning. I can't get to the next video bumpers, now comes the advertising.
  9. @MattHi, I hope I did everything right. Here is the log file. Kodi PreShow Experience LOG_ kodi.log.txt
  10. @marius vielen dank. da bin ich schon mal erleichtert, dass du deutsch sprichst. also das problem liegt daran, wenn ich z.b ein theater intro erstelle gehe ich zum video bumpers, dann bei edit auf single file und wähle das intro aus. wenn ich ein test mache auf play spielt er nicht das einzige file ab sondern alles darin enthaltene intros. ich habe mehrere in den ordner theater intro liegen. so ist das immer, dass alle darin enthaltene files abgespielt werden. wenn dann alle files fertig gespielt sind fängt das wieder von vorne an. zum system ein himedia q10pro mit kodi 20.5. wenn du wissen möchtest warum ich nicht auf omega update, dass liegt an 3d iso. bis 20.5 geht das noch. ab 21 nicht mehr. danke schon mal im voraus.
  11. Hello, I speak German and try to describe my problem in English. I have Kodi 20.5 with preshow 0.30. If I take video bumpers and theater intro a file via single file, it plays all the files it contains. not the only file I want to take. I hope you can understand my problem. Thanks
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