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  1. Thanks for your help ! It's been a success, i used the service "Kodi.callmethod" in Home Assistant with this YAML script : " service: kodi.call_method target: entity_id: media_player.192_168_1_54 data: method: 'Addons.ExecuteAddon' addonid: 'script.preshowexperience' params: movieid: '140' " And the movie start now with PSE !
  2. Hi ! I try to improve the hc experience and right now i can start playing a movie in Kodi from home assistant with the API Call Method i've found here : https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/kodi/ But only the movie is playing, i can't find how to send the information from HA to Kodi to play the movie with Preshow Experience. Does anyone know how to do it ?
  3. KHC

    Credits Action don't work

    Thanks ! I tried with the dev version, now the action work when i run the test button in the settings, but the action don't work when i am at the last chapter of the movie...
  4. KHC

    Credits Action don't work

    I can download it somewhere to try ?
  5. KHC

    Credits Action don't work

    Hi ! I've done the log with the Kodi Logfile Uploader and it works ! Here is the log : https://paste.kodi.tv/roduxibofi
  6. KHC

    Credits Action don't work

    I tried with the same skin you have but had the same red cross with an error when i try to do the log... Is it possible that the action on last chapter don't work because i move forward the movie just before the last chapter begin ?
  7. KHC

    Credits Action don't work

    Thanks for your answer ! When i click "current" for the log i get a red cross with an error. And i looked, i have chapters in the movie. I never changed the built-in videoplayer, is there a way to be sure i use the default Kodi videoplayer ?
  8. Hi, First, thank's for this wonderful addon ! I try to improve the cinema experience and the new action on last chapter/credit can be perfect to turn on lights. Unfortunatly, even if the action work when i test it in the settings, it don't work when i launch a preshow experience sequence.
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