Everything posted by Reelyator
- Movie related commercials
Looking for Opening Cinema Curtain Video Clip
Thank you @OTA! That could be a nice one if only the distracting Advertisement Text would not be.....
- Movie related commercials
- Movie related commercials
Short Film: Bambi Meets Godzilla Short Film (1969)
...A nice visualisation of my personal oppinion on comparing Japanese Animes and Kaiju Movies vs. Disney Products;-)
Movie related commercials
Nice! There were already several bumper sets with "a word from our sponsors" in the old CV Forum. Up to now my most used sequence Format (misusing Trivia for Commercials) is: - Curtain Opening clip (Theater Intro) - THX Clip (Theater outro) - Comercials bumper (Trivia intro) - 2 comercial clips (Trivia outro) - Trailers bumper (Trailers intro) - 2-3 Trailers (Trailers) - Cellphone off clip (Trailers outro) - Feature intro bumper (Feature Intro) - Audio Bumper - Countdown Clip (Countdown) - Feature Film End of Sequence. ....i never understood the point in Trivia Slides, never seen that in any real Cinema (at least not in germay).
- Movie related commercials
Movie related commercials
Starting this post here to share classic, funny, unusual and mainly movie related commercials that could be used in PSE sequences. Please feel free to share whatever you found on open sources. Starting with some cool Walmart Commercials......Hillarious "...they got basil!.....What?" Unfortunately i could only find this in 720p, not in FullHD or 4k
Looking for Opening Cinema Curtain Video Clip
Hi Folks, does anybody here have a nice looking video clip of a cinema curtain that could be used as starting point of a sequence, e. g. Theater intro and is willing to share? I found some Clips on YouTube but unfortunately not very convincing (bad video quality, bad resolution, distracting texts, logos or commercials). I can offer to share links to what i found through PM with anybody who is interested.
Howto update PSE?
Sorry this might be a stupid question: What is the smartest way when you want to update PSE, e. g. from Version 0.1.1 to the current 0.1.3 without loosing the settings? The original installation was from unknown sources through USB, therefore the automatic update directly from the Add-On Menue does not work. Do i need to delete my previous installation of 0.1.1 and then install 0.1.3 again from USB??
Skins for PreShow Experience
Btw. i have written to Gade, the "Father" of Rapier in the Kodi.tv forum, asking him if PSE integration would be possible. Usually he is a very competent and responsive guy. Will keep you posted on what comes back from him.
Skins for PreShow Experience
Nice! Thank you @garzilla!! Question: Is the modification of the Context Menue the only Modification for Rapier in this version? Or does it also include the Modification to skip the usual "busy" or "loading" messages between the individual clips of the PSE Playlist?
Skins for PreShow Experience
...thank you for clarification Matt! I was not aware! So what will happen, when i install the PSE Add-on through the "unknown sources" path, using the zip file with "non-optimised" skin like Rapier?
Skins for PreShow Experience
Rapier ist still the most flexible skin imho! But this might be a stupid question: Why do we need a PSE-Modified skin at all? CV could simply be started from the context menue of any skin...