Trailers not working.
Thanks for the additional info - I’ll keep that in mind as I finish tweaking my sequence. Appreciate it, once again!
Trailers not working.
Just reporting back for others - Matt Huisman’s YouTube for Trailers is the best answer. Just a quick public service - do yourself a favor and read the instructions VERY carefully. There are a few steps and if you miss any of them you~ll be scratching your head. The info is all there - but, speaking for myself - I have a tendency to be in a hurry... Also - once you get through all of the install steps, shut Kodi completely down and bring it back up. That also made me think it didn't work. But once I restarted - my trailers are back — and working as expected. Thanks for the guidance Matt - you’re a treasure, as always. —T
Trailers not working.
Thanks Matt - exactly what I was looking for! TS… yes, I tried multiple times to wade through the API process to no avail. They don’t make it easy for a non-programmer for sure. Thanks again!
Trailers not working.
I’ve completely uninstalled PreShow Experience and reinstalled. I’ve made sure the Youtube plugin is installed. I’ve enabled all sources and ran content updates several times. I start with a new blank sequence, put in a trailers module - set it to 3 trailers. Do a “preview” - it turns the screen black and then returns. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the Youtube plugin as well. I’m out of ideas unless someone can tell me that this is just broken for now?
Kodi News: Kodi 21.0 "Omega" - Release
Which version of PSE are you running? I’ve got 0.2.5, but it’s got quite a few issues that Matt hasn’t had time to sort yet - are you running an older version? Just curious.
Slideshow module working?
Perfect - I’ll hold off on implementation. Thanks Matt!
Slideshow module working?
Also noticing that when I do a “Preview”, I can get the slideshow to play (after quite a delay) but then I can’t escape out back to editing the sequence. So I’m assuming this is still a beta feature for now and will disable the module for now. If you need any info from me, let me know. Thanks!
TedP64 started following Skip sequence module on Mac? , Slideshow module working? and PSE Content Path on NAS - can’t add
Slideshow module working?
Never mind on the “INACTIVE” - I see that has to do with AUTO-SELECT - which I had shut off - hadn’t noticed the indicator previously.
Slideshow module working?
I downloaded the “Coca-Cola Behind the scenes” slides from here and place the folder in the Slideshow folder. I installed the module and pointed to the folder. A couple things - can’t seem to change the duration - the slider moves, but the “seconds” doesn’t update. And when the sequence runs, it just skips that module. I also noticed that while editing this sequence, in red - lower right-hand corner, it says “INACTIVE” - which I don’t recall seeing previously. Any thoughts?
PSE Content Path on NAS - can’t add
Found it under userdata/addondata — made the change to my NFS path manually and it works. Matt - any chance to get a manual path entry on the addon since it appears that Kodi’s path browser isn’t working right with NFS? Thanks!
PSE Content Path on NAS - can’t add
I’ve tried NFS and SMB on my synology NAS. Unfortunately, it won’t allow me to add the path on any of my external devices. So, for example - as long as I’m running PSE / Kodi on my Mac Mini - I can point directly to the folder and everything functions. If I go to any of my NVidia Shield TVs or Firecubes - no dice. I’m trying to keep my files and sequences on my NAS so all of my devices have access to them and any changes I make since I have some rather complex actions at play. Any advice? Any chance of allowing a manual input of the path? That would probably solve it on my end - if you can tell me where the path is stored - I could test it out if you like. Thanks!
Skip sequence module on Mac?
Yeah - as I said, wasn't PSE at all - I was using Jump Desktop from my macbook to my mac mini server - the Function key doesn't pass - so it was the fact that I was remoting in. For testing remotely, I just disabled the trivia module temporarily - it works fine and I can fine tune my sequence without traipsing down to my basement. Thanks!
Skip sequence module on Mac?
Doesn’t seem to be - but to be fair, I’m trying it remotely.
Skip sequence module on Mac?
I went from a Windows environment to Mac. I seem to remember that “Page Up” was the way to skip to the next module on the PC - is there an equivalent key press on the Mac to go to the next module? Thanks!
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