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  1. I kinda reverse engineer the Sponsors folder to put 10-12 minutes of adverts in before the trailers like most British cinemas do - very different structure here compared to the states: Theater Intro > Advertiser Opening Ident > Commercials > Advertiser Closing Ident > Silver Spot (60 Second Commercial) > Trailers Intro > 5 x Trailers > Gold Spot (60 Second Commercial) > BBFC Black Card (Film Rating) > Feature Some chains put their intros/branding either just before trailers or near the start of the feature but that's the general setup I work to with PSE playlists.
  2. Hey guys, long time lurker and user of PSE - absolutely immense addon. But I've been having issues scraping in trailers within the Kodi database since the V3 alpha dropped (tried in both Kodi 20 and Kodi 21, same issues on both), and as a result it's broken what are pretty authentic sequences I've been building in the addon. I've attached a log to hopefully help diagnose the problem. Cheers in advance! kodi.log