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  1. Part 1: Prerequisite (allow addons from unknown sources) 1. In the Kodi settings page, click System 2. Navigate to the Add-ons section and find Unknown Sources on the right. If it’s disabled, select it to enable it. 4. Click Yes to the warning prompt. Add the PreShow Repository source 1. Go to your Kodi settings page and click File manager. 2. On the left side, click menu and click Add source. 3. The Add file source popup window will appear. Then click <None>. 4. Enter the source URL of https://preshowmedia.com/repo/ in the path field, then click OK. 5. Next, type the source’s name, PreShow Repo, in the media source field and click OK. 7. Click the OK option below the source input box. You have now successfully added the PreShow source Next, we will install the repository. Part 2: Installing the PreShow Repository 1. Go to the Kodi Settings page and click Addions. 2. Select Install from zip file. 3. Next, click PreShow Repo, or whatever you named the source. Note that there may be a lot of other options on this screen. 4. Then, click on repository.preshow-###.zip. 5. You now have the repository installed and are ready to install PreShow Experience from it. Part 3: Installing PreShow Experience 1. Go back to the Addons main page and click the Install from Repository option. Then select PreShow Repository 2. Select Program add-ons. 3. Next, click the PreShow Experience. 4. Finally, click the Install button in the bottom right to install PreShow Experience from the repository PreShow Experience settings and editors can be accessed from the Kodi Home-screen > Addons> Programs Add-ons.
  2. Downloading PreShow Experience The latest PreShow Experience zip is available here: Installing PreShow Experience Once you have downloaded the zip for PreShow Experience, you are ready to open Kodi and install the add-on. You'll start by changing Kodi's setting so that you can install 3rd party add-ons. 1. Open Kodi and then from the home screen click the Settings icon. Your screens may look different if you have a different skin installed. 2. Click the System 3. Navigate to the Add-ons section and find Unknown Sources on the right. If it’s disabled, select it to enable it. 4. Click Yes to the warning prompt. 4. Then go back to the System page and select Add-ons. 5. Then select Install from zip file. Navigate to your downloaded file and select it. 6. PreShow Experience will then be installed and you'll be ready to configure it. Please note that the context menu will not load until Kodi has been restarted. Uninstalling PreShow Experience 1. To uninstall PreShow Experience, navigate to your add-ons and right click on PreShow Experience and select Information. 2. Then click Uninstall to remove PreShow Experience.
  3. To create an Action File, follow these steps: Create a new text document. Input the command that you want to use. Save the file as <file_name>.action in the Actions directory of your PreShow Experience content folder. You can also find pre-built Actions for different home automation solutions in the Downloads section of our website. If you have any improvements or new Actions that you create, please share them with us. We can host them on the site for others to use. Action Files use the following Syntax, Methods, and Protocols: Syntax: Use "#" at the beginning of a line to ignore the contents of that line. Use "<protocol>://" at the beginning of a line to specify the protocol for that command. Use "<method>:" at the beginning of a line to specify the method for that command. Protocols: Currently supported protocols: "http://" or "https://": Passes JSON commands via a URL. "addon://": Runs a script or add-on. "command://": Runs a command or application at the OS level and pass arguments. "module://": Runs a Python script with a main() method that is imported and called. "python://": Run a Python script. "sleep://<milliseconds>": Pauses the Action File for the specified time in milliseconds. Methods: Currently supported methods to communicate with the target device or application: "HEADERS:": Sends header information. "POST:": Sends a POST command to create information. "PUT:": Sends a PUT command update information. "DELETE:": Sends a DELETE command to delete information. Actions in Action Files can be single-line or multiple-line commands. Blank lines are used to separate commands. The first line of any Action is the Execution Line. The line following the Execution Line can be a Headers Line or a Data Line. Headers Line: Specifies the content type or any other headers. Prefix the line with "HEADERS:". Data Line: Used to pass arguments or data. Prefix the line with the desired Method ("POST:", "PUT:", or "DELETE:"). If no method is specified, the default method used is POST. Examples Example 1: Sending a JSON command via URL # This is a comment http://api.example.com/endpoint?param1=value1&param2=value2 Example 2: Running a script or add-on by add-on ID with arguments addon://1234567890?arg1=value1&arg2=value2 Example 3: Running a command or application at the OS level with arguments command://path/to/executable --option1 value1 --option2 value2 Example 4: Running a Python script with a main() method that is imported and called module://path/to/script.py Example 5: Calling a normal Python script via the operating system python://path/to/script.py Example 6: Adding a sleep (pause) of 500 milliseconds before moving to the next action sleep://500 Example 7: Sending a POST command with data and headers to activate a Home Assistant Webhook https://YOUR_DNS_HOSTNAME.com/api/services/scene/turn_on HEADERS: {"Authorization": "Bearer LLATStringOfRandomCharacters", "Content-Type": "application/json"} POST: {"entity_id": "scene.movie_start"} Example 8: Sending a PUT command to change Hue brightness http://<hue-bridge-ip>/api/<hue-bridge-user>/groups/<hue-light-group>/action PUT:{"on":true,"bri":40,"transitiontime":10} Example 9: Sending a PUT command to turn off Hue light http://<hue-bridge-ip>/api/<hue-bridge-user>/groups/<hue-light-group>/action PUT:{"on":false,"transitiontime":30} These examples demonstrate various use cases and combinations of syntax, methods, and protocols in Action Files.
  4. The actions tab provides an option to integrate advanced functionality to control your system or other home automation devices. The setting options are described below. Each setting relates to a specific activity that you can attach an action to. The activities where you can execute an action are: sequence pause sequence resume sequence abort When turned on, each allows you to attach an action file and to test it. To learn more about action files, please view the guide on creating action files.