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Seamless Transition (No Loading Icon)

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There’s nothing quite like playing a sequence for a movie night and feeling that complete immersion. Unfortunately there’s always a loading icon between every transition of the sequence and that takes away from the true theater experience.

As far as UI goes, is there a way to hide/remove this icon?

 Another thought would be that we can somehow make each upcoming part of the sequence be cached while the part in front of it is playing.

Any other ideas are welcome. These were just a couple off the top of my head.

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To give an example:

 Let’s say you start your sequence with an Audio Format Bumper video. Once it finishes and the Trivia Intro video is about to start, there’s a quick moment of buffering.

This is what I want to avoid so I don’t see it multiple times during a sequence, and instead have seamless transition all the way through.

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Unfortunately, that's a Kodi skin issue.  If you're comfortable editing your Kodi skin XML files, there are ways to suppress that.

I did this with some help from the old addon site.


Integrating PreShow Experience into Your Skin
Traditionally, users are accustomed to having a button in the Movie Information dialog. For Kodi, we recommend that you add a button to your skins DialogVideoInfo.xml file. The button code below should work, and of course you'll want to change the ID (listed as 00 below) of the button so that it doesn't conflict with another button in your skin.

 type="button" id="00">
     PreShow Experience
     System.HasAddon(script.preshowexperience) + [Stringcompare(ListItem.DBType,movie) | Stringcompare(ListItem.DBType,tvshow) | Stringcompare(ListItem.DBType,season) | Stringcompare(ListItem.DBType,episode)]
Many of our users prefer that the Busy Dialog and Pop-ups are suppressed to improve the PreShow Experience. While both of these things do improve the experience while PreShow is running, please keep in mind that your users will not know what's happening when a video is buffering, for example. Use these options at your discretion. These options should be added as a direct child of the tag in the XML file. If you're unsure of where in the files to add the code, add it on the line before the tag. If you know what you're doing, add it where ever you need it to be. 

We recommend that you add the option to suppress the busy dialog to your skins DialogBusy.xml file. To suppress the busy dialog when PreShow is running, add the following to the DialogBusy.xml file:

We also recommend that you add the option to suppress pop-up notifications to your skins DialogKaiToast.xml file. To suppress pop-up notifications while PreShow is running, add the following to the DialogKaiToast.xml file:

We do not recommend that you add the option to suppress your buffering dialog as this also suppresses the information and seek bar that is seen when you pause your content. If you want to do this despite our objection, here's how. To suppress the buffering, content information, and seek bar dialogs add the following to your skins DialogSeekBar.xml file:



I did use the buffering suppression, but it does get rid of the overlay with info on pause, which kind of sucks, but that's just the way Kodi handles skins.

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So I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to this.  I have changed the files and included the edits, but nothing changes when I play the movie.  I can still see everything.  I'm sure I have implemented them incorrectly so I apologize in advance, but I have provided the files in hopes that you would be able to take a look at them and let me know where I've gone wrong.


DialogBusy.xml DialogSeekBar.xml


Edited by ammonrose
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This is how i solved it in the dialog busy.xml

<defaultcontrol always="true"/>
<control type="label">
Then the dialog busy dialog wont be shown again, but also nowhere else.
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That didn’t seem to work either. I’m going to duplicate this scenario on my laptop and see if it works. This will tell me if it’s an Nvidia Shield issue or not.

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I downloaded the Estuary skin, copied the DialogBusy.xml file to the skin I've been using (Pellucid) and it worked!  It's a weird way to go about it, but it's working and that's okay with me!


The only thing that doesn't work with this skin is that if you have music playing during the trivia sequence, it has a little icon at the top with the music information.  I might have to stick with Estuary if I want to avoid that.  Unfortunate, because I really like the Pellucid skin.

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  • Administrator

@ammonrose Please post that skin in this thread: 


I will make mods for some skins that are listed in that thread when I have time.  

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