I’ve completely uninstalled PreShow Experience and reinstalled. I’ve made sure the Youtube plugin is installed. I’ve enabled all sources and ran content updates several times. I start with a new blank sequence, put in a trailers module - set it to 3 trailers. Do a “preview” - it turns the screen black and then returns. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the Youtube plugin as well. I’m out of ideas unless someone can tell me that this is just broken for now?
Lights! Camera! Action!
... nearly. It's Beta time for Kodi 19.x "Matrix", so let's take another step towards the Great Unveiling.
As we now move into Beta, this release is much more about fixes than features: while there will be the odd new functionality, we're concentrating very much more on getting everything working properly from this point.
To recap, then, one of the main objectives of 19.x "Matrix" is to release a production version of Kodi with Python 3 addons as early in 2021 as we can. That can only happen with enthusiastic community support, lots of good humour and willingness to see the best in others - well, that and coffee/beer (delete as applicable), of course!
Why Python 3? Simply, because Python 2 went end-of-life in January 2020, so the whole IT industry is lurching over to the new platform. It's generally taking a long time, but it's necessary if you want active support, bugfixes, the latest third-party libraries, security patches, and the like. You can see some of Kodi's announcements about this change in previous blog posts.
Beyond that, though, here's a quick recap of the major new features in 19.x "Matrix" - as well, of course, as many fixes and code changes that won't be as obvious:
Music Videos
Information Providers/Scrapers
... plus many code and platform-specific fixes and improvements that might be less visible to most users, but are still significant, such as the move to a single Linux binary for multiple windowing systems (X11, Wayland, and GBM).
After 18 months of hard work by the team and community, we now feel that Kodi v19.x "Matrix" is stable enough to enter beta phase of the release cycle and start to be used "in anger". As above, our focus is now entirely on testing and fixes, moving in steps to a final release as soon as we practically can. This release should be pretty reliable for most users - if you do choose to install it, make sure you know how to roll back, just in case, but you should be safe. We need your help to find and isolate the remaining bugs (including, of course, any regressions), so, please: install, test, and give us clear feedback on any issues you uncover. We can then aim to get these resolved in upcoming releases.
You can get Beta 1 from here. If you're on Android, you can enrol in our Beta programme and get updates directly from Google Play.
As usual, you can also see changes since Alpha 3 here or browse the merged PRs here.
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