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Entry level stuff so I apologise in advance


Hi guys, new to the program, I'm kind of stumbling at the first hurdle here so I'm hoping someone can help. I've got my content folders for bumpers/trailers etc but I'm a bit lost to either how I'm meant to add my videos to features or if I'm meant to set up a content path for features etc. Hoping someone can help.

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Are you talking about setting up Kodi in general or just the PSE add-on specific?


If the later there's a lot of youtube videos and such on setting up you Kodi and lots to learn.


If you just mean the PSE content I'd look for Cinema Vision and Cinema Experience videos and guides. Lots of trial and error but once you get the hang of either it's not that difficult and fairly intuitive.. Till something is broken because something else was "fixed" haha.

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Features are your movies.  Open the context menu on a movie that's a local file and click PreShow Experience in order to launch the movie with the PreShow.  It doesn't work with content from other add-ons.

Please let me know if you need more help.

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