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Intro (movie or still with sound) endlessly - exit by pressing key


Hi everyone / Matt,

is it / how is it possible to make PSE play a Theatre Intro movie endlessly until I press a key on my remote (Fast Forward or whatelse skips within the sequence)?

I would like to have a still picture and a song at the beginning (opening the cinema, guests are coming) as long as it takes.
Then I press a key and the preshow continues.

I've tried a loop but don't know what kind of "Condition" should I mark? (Any help?)

Also I've tried a Trivia with several slides of the same picture and a music file in the background. Works - but the music doesn't loop.

What's the best way to have an intro endlessly with an exit?

Thank you so much - Robert

Edited by ervau
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I know that there's an issue with it in the current version, but this is pretty much what the Slideshow module is for.  You can set it to show the image for a long duration and then jump to the next module.  There's a bug with it the time format currently that's been fixed in the next version.

I wanted to add functionality to escape a loop with a button press, but some remotes don't have many buttons and they could all be used for the trivia module.

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