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I went from a Windows environment to Mac. I seem to remember that “Page Up” was the way to skip to the next module on the PC - is there an equivalent key press on the Mac to go to the next module? Thanks!

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Doesn’t seem to be - but to be fair, I’m trying it remotely. 

  • Administrator

I'm not sure what the issue is, but I use a Mac for my primary computer and Function + Up Arrow works for me.  What exactly is your setup?

  • Author

Yeah - as I said, wasn't PSE at all - I was using Jump Desktop from my macbook to my mac mini server - the Function key doesn't pass - so it was the fact that I was remoting in. For testing remotely, I just disabled the trivia module temporarily - it works fine and I can fine tune my sequence without traipsing down to my basement. Thanks!

  • Administrator

Another possible option in 0.2.5 if you want to test the trivia is to use the Playback setting -> Alternate Skip Button (Shield) and set it to set it to "Select."  

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