New Year, New Kodi? Not quite, but here we go with the next point release of the 21.x "Omega" series.
The usual story: bugfixes, not features. The full changelog can be found on Github, as usual.
Release Summary
Major user-facing changes include:
Library/Sources and Management
Fixed a bug that ignored images in the ...\season\.actors folder. The \season\.actors folders have been deprecated and all actors are saved in the \TV Show\.actors folder. (forum, PR)
Restore performance of movie ad
Good morning
I came to the site 6 months ago I started trying to get preshow to work under a zdmc with nexus 20.2 without success now I'm coming back and hoping that someone can help me! I specify that I deactivated the external player in the zdmc interface to do my tests when I configure the different preshow parts with local files only, no external announcement this works but when I want to test the scene it tells me clerical error I am attaching my log and thank you to anyone who can help me
ZDMC LOG mike.docx