New Year, New Kodi? Not quite, but here we go with the next point release of the 21.x "Omega" series.
The usual story: bugfixes, not features. The full changelog can be found on Github, as usual.
Release Summary
Major user-facing changes include:
Library/Sources and Management
Fixed a bug that ignored images in the ...\season\.actors folder. The \season\.actors folders have been deprecated and all actors are saved in the \TV Show\.actors folder. (forum, PR)
Restore performance of movie ad
PreShow 0.2.3 is now available for download.
The changelog includes:
- add: Added pastebin log posting
- add: Added new options for the command module, including number of loops, duration and time of day
- fix: Added genres, rating and resolution data for imdb trailers (Note this takes while to retrieve the trailer information)
- fix: Updated code to make sequences filter by date properly
- fix: Modified code to make linked python scripts work in action files
If you have an issue, you can now post your log directly into pastebin from the settings. You can open a QR code to get the link on your phone.
The command/loop module now has multiple options to control the loop, so that you can more accurately create longer preshows.