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Kodi news & discussion

  1. Started by Matt,

    As is always inevitable in software, we are back with a new release of Kodi "Nexus". An assortment of bug fixes, some backports, no real new features. Full changelog since 20.1 on Github, as usual. Release notes Audio An assortment of E-AC3 related fixes were backported. Estuary A fix to the Music Viz screen has been made by @enen92 in an endeavour to chase that elusive target of perfection Fixes to the seekbar timer when seeking. Game/Retroplayer A fix to a crash by memory exhaustion when some emulators are used. General A whole assortment of fixes were made to fix building Kodi with GCC13. Platform Specific Android A fix for a crash that occurred when…

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  2. Started by Matt,

    A new year dawns, and brings with it one last hurrah for the Kodi "Nexus" release line. An assortment of bug fixes, some backports, no real new features. Full changelog since 20.2 on Github, as usual. Release notes Estuary An assortment of fixes for Estuary, including home categories' focus position, alignment of counter labels and Shift view for collections. Fixes to the weather layout when busy. Game/Retroplayer Fixed controllers not assigned to game ports correctly on Android. Fixed blue/pink washed out colours on Windows with 10-bit displays. Fixed possible crash in Port dialogue box. Fixed typo for the mouse middle button in Controller dialogue box. General …

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  3. Started by Matt,

    Hi! This is just a quick note to let everyone know that Team Kodi will be present at the Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting (FOSDEM) in Brussels on 3 & 4 February 2024. We will have a booth in Building H level 1 where you can try out Kodi and chat with us at your leisure :) We have team members attending that are knowledgeable about, among other things, Python add-on programming, Kodi on Linux, the Kodi flatpak package, and Kodi on embedded GPUs. If you're in the area, we'd love to see you and get your first-hand feedback about ... well, anything, really. We're also planning to have some sample branded merchandise for you to look at - so, please, join…

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  4. This is perhaps a little short notice, but Jason from Flirc - a long-time friend of Kodi - is hosting an ask-me-anything on Cordcutters on 9th November 2022. We just wanted to let you know, and give him the chance to say a few words about what's going on. I originally made Flirc, my first product, because I was frustrated that I couldn't use our same television remote control with Kodi. That worked really well for a long time, but, as the years passed, and our Kodi boxes evolved, I became increasingly irritated with the growing number of remote controls and the state of universal remotes. I thought I could do it better. My vision for our first remote always favored a K…

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  5. Started by Matt,

    Here we go folks: ramping things up, so we now have the first Beta for Kodi v20, "Nexus". As always, thanks go out to all contributors for their work. We are nearing 4,000 commits since v19 "Matrix" was first released on February 19th 2021. For everyone that has contributed, both those in Team Kodi, and all other developers that choose to roll up their sleeves and fix an issue - thank you. Everyone appreciates you for making Kodi better. We also want to thank all those users who provide endless support on the forums, we appreciate you, and all the support anyone provides to our users. Release notes Addons Assorted binary addon fixes/updates - imagedecoder, screensav…

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  6. Started by Matt,

    It looks like one last hurrah was premature for the "Nexus" line: we find ourselves back again already, this time with a new 20.4 release. An assortment of bug fixes, some backports, no real new features. Full changelog since 20.3 on Github, as usual. Release notes Build A backport aimed at fixing the failure rate of binary addon builds has been merged by @garbear. Input Update to the controller addons. Platform Specific Android Several fixes have been backported from master to fix deployment issues on Google Play. Thanks to @joseluismarti for working with us on these. A number of fixes backported to resolve input issues (remotes/controllers). iOS/tvOS A…

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  7. Started by Matt,

    This release is so fresh that we don't yet even have an image... oops! It's been a hectic last couple of months in the world of Kodi, but the wheels keep on turning. Without any further ado, we are happy to announce the first Alpha release for Kodi 21.x "Omega". This is a major release, so, as you'd expect, it comes with many new features. However, with a core change to FFmpeg 6.0, there is a very good chance that some regressions may occur. As such, please be aware that installing this will most likely break things, and we'd really like your help at that point to identify the problems and get them fixed. Please raise Github issues with full debug logs to help us resolv…

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  8. As you may have seen on other posts, we're broadly back on line now, with the forum, Wiki and paste sites all operational. It's been a huge effort by several key team members - I won't name names, but you know who you are - and we're all immensely grateful for their work. So, without putting on a hair shirt...in the interests of transparency and minimising the chances of anything like this happening again, we've really had to dig into this to see what we can learn. First of all - what happened? This is probably the most important question, and actually one of the hardest to definitively answer. We've been open about the attack vector being an old administrative accoun…

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  9. Current Status - Last Updated, Monday 01 May 2023 Forum, Wiki and Paste sites are now all active. Systems have been rebuilt from scratch with new images, software and patches. All users will need to reset their passwords before they can log in. Forum registration is now open for new users. Known issues Fixed: We identified a login bug in the forum software which we've fixed and are reporting to the authors. The resolution may require some users to reset their passwords again. Fixed: There was an initial problem with registration of new accounts on the forum after we re-enabled registrations. This has now been resolved. Open: MyAlerts/Pings were not available because …

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  10. Started by Matt,

    After all, "that which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" - okay, Shakespeare maybe had a point, but, for obvious reasons, he didn't know anything about software. For us, names matter because they usually herald a new release, a major change, and, yes, lots of lovely, cuddly new features. So, as is traditional as we move through our current release cycle - Kodi v20 "Nexus" recently entered beta - it's time to announce the name for what will become Kodi v21. As usual, we ran a forum post for suggestions, and we then worked through them to remove the obviously-profane, legislatively-dubious or downright impossible to type quickly, and then put it t…

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  11. Started by Matt,

    Here we go folks, ramping things up and we have the first Release Candidate (RC) for Kodi "Nexus". As always, thanks go out to all contributors for their work. We are nearing 4,000 commits since v19 "Matrix" was first released on February 19th 2021. For everyone that has contributed, both those in Team Kodi and all other devs that choose to roll up their sleeves and fix an issue. Everyone appreciates you for making Kodi better. We also want to thank all those users who provide endless support on the forums, we appreciate you, and all the support anyone provides to our users. Addon Devs We'll put this at the top of this post, as there was an API break after Beta 1 was r…

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