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Kodi news & discussion

  1. As you may have seen on other posts, we're broadly back on line now, with the forum, Wiki and paste sites all operational. It's been a huge effort by several key team members - I won't name names, but you know who you are - and we're all immensely grateful for their work. So, without putting on a hair shirt...in the interests of transparency and minimising the chances of anything like this happening again, we've really had to dig into this to see what we can learn. First of all - what happened? This is probably the most important question, and actually one of the hardest to definitively answer. We've been open about the attack vector being an old administrative accoun…

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  2. Started by Matt,

    This release is so fresh that we don't yet even have an image... oops! It's been a hectic last couple of months in the world of Kodi, but the wheels keep on turning. Without any further ado, we are happy to announce the first Alpha release for Kodi 21.x "Omega". This is a major release, so, as you'd expect, it comes with many new features. However, with a core change to FFmpeg 6.0, there is a very good chance that some regressions may occur. As such, please be aware that installing this will most likely break things, and we'd really like your help at that point to identify the problems and get them fixed. Please raise Github issues with full debug logs to help us resolv…

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  3. In the last 24 hours we became aware of a dump of the Kodi user forum (MyBB) software being advertised for sale on internet forums. This post confirms that a breach has taken place. MyBB admin logs show the account of a trusted but currently inactive member of the forum admin team was used to access the web-based MyBB admin console twice: on 16 February and again on 21 February. The account was used to create database backups which were then downloaded and deleted. It also downloaded existing nightly full-backups of the database. The account owner has confirmed they did not access the admin console to perform these actions. The admin team have disabled the account used …

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  4. Welcome, everyone, to Kodi Devcon 2023, coming to you this year from halfway up an Italian mountain overlooking Lake Iseo. We're full of coffee, it's seven degrees outside, we don't have enough power outlets, and we're struggling to stream over dubious Internet connectivity (courtesy of Mr Musk). What could be better? A slightly different format this year: we want to use the time together as productively as we can, so there'll be less discussion and more collaboration than previously. So, let's go... Finance We kicked off the day with an overview on our financial position: income, reserves, commitments, sponsorships. We're doing okay, but the combination of Covid and t…

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  5. Started by Matt,

    As is always inevitable in software, we are back with a new release of Kodi 20.x "Nexus". An assortment of bug fixes, some backports, no real new features. Full changelog since 20.0 on Github, as usual. Release notes Audio @fritsch has been working feverishly on Android-related audio issues over the past couple of months, and in combination with @thexai has introduced an algorithm to look to overcome some audio issues particularly aimed at Android devices. A summary is: Algorithm runs for 30 seconds to learn what is going on: during this time no corrections are done, but the internal m_disconAdjustTimeMs is updated to a new value whenever when the sync error is foun…

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  6. Started by Matt,

    It's Time! We are pleased to present the latest release of Kodi, v20 "Nexus". With over 4,600 commits since v19 "Matrix" was released on February 19th, 2021, this has been a huge effort. Thanks go out to our team members, and everyone in our community who sent a pull request, tested and gave feedback, or provided support to users on the forum. We appreciate your contribution to making Kodi better. Let's review some of the changes you can expect: Major Features Multiple Instances of Binary Add-ons This allows Kodi to load multiple instances of a binary add-on. For example: TVHeadend users can now run more than one instance of the add-on to connect to multiple back-end T…

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  7. Started by Matt,

    Happy Holidays, everyone! To celebrate, here we have release 19.5. This release caps off the v19 Matrix development cycle - we are not intending anything further now until 20.0 "Nexus". Without further fanfare, then I give you Kodi "Matrix" 19.5: more bug fixes, some backports, no real new features. Full changelog since 19.4 on Github, as usual. Thanks, as always, to everyone who has helped us track down and fix any issues. As this is a point release, there are no major changes since the previous version, and you should be fine to install this straight over the top of any existing Kodi 19.x installation - indeed, this will happen automatically on many platforms. Howeve…

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  8. Started by Matt,

    So... here we have a second Release Candidate for Kodi v20 "Nexus". While we have a fairly small number of fixes, they are fairly major. As always, thanks go out to all contributors for their work. We are nearing 4,000 commits since v19 "Matrix" was first released on February 19th 2021. For everyone that has contributed, both those in Team Kodi and all other devs that choose to roll up their sleeves and fix an issue. Everyone appreciates you for making Kodi better. We also want to thank all those users who provide endless support on the forums, we appreciate you, and all the support anyone provides to our users. Android Users A note for any users who are running Kodi o…

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  9. Started by Matt,

    Here we go folks, ramping things up and we have the first Release Candidate (RC) for Kodi "Nexus". As always, thanks go out to all contributors for their work. We are nearing 4,000 commits since v19 "Matrix" was first released on February 19th 2021. For everyone that has contributed, both those in Team Kodi and all other devs that choose to roll up their sleeves and fix an issue. Everyone appreciates you for making Kodi better. We also want to thank all those users who provide endless support on the forums, we appreciate you, and all the support anyone provides to our users. Addon Devs We'll put this at the top of this post, as there was an API break after Beta 1 was r…

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  10. Started by Matt,

    After all, "that which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" - okay, Shakespeare maybe had a point, but, for obvious reasons, he didn't know anything about software. For us, names matter because they usually herald a new release, a major change, and, yes, lots of lovely, cuddly new features. So, as is traditional as we move through our current release cycle - Kodi v20 "Nexus" recently entered beta - it's time to announce the name for what will become Kodi v21. As usual, we ran a forum post for suggestions, and we then worked through them to remove the obviously-profane, legislatively-dubious or downright impossible to type quickly, and then put it t…

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  11. Started by Matt,

    Here we go folks: ramping things up, so we now have the first Beta for Kodi v20, "Nexus". As always, thanks go out to all contributors for their work. We are nearing 4,000 commits since v19 "Matrix" was first released on February 19th 2021. For everyone that has contributed, both those in Team Kodi, and all other developers that choose to roll up their sleeves and fix an issue - thank you. Everyone appreciates you for making Kodi better. We also want to thank all those users who provide endless support on the forums, we appreciate you, and all the support anyone provides to our users. Release notes Addons Assorted binary addon fixes/updates - imagedecoder, screensav…

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  12. This is perhaps a little short notice, but Jason from Flirc - a long-time friend of Kodi - is hosting an ask-me-anything on Cordcutters on 9th November 2022. We just wanted to let you know, and give him the chance to say a few words about what's going on. I originally made Flirc, my first product, because I was frustrated that I couldn't use our same television remote control with Kodi. That worked really well for a long time, but, as the years passed, and our Kodi boxes evolved, I became increasingly irritated with the growing number of remote controls and the state of universal remotes. I thought I could do it better. My vision for our first remote always favored a K…

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  13. Started by Matt,

    Is Web 3.0 here? We don't know, but Kore 3.0 certainly is! Shiny, decentralized and software-based, it's ready to take over your old, centralized, atom-based remote. As a major release there are lots of changes, too many in fact to list here, but the main ones are: Migration to Google's Material 3 UI guidelines, which include: Complete review of themes and colors, adding support for light and dark modes based on the device's settings, and for dynamic colors, which change the UI colors depending on the current wallpaper (only available on Android 12 and up); Update of buttons, text boxes, icons, images, etc. to the latest UI standards; Review of transitions between sect…

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  14. Started by Matt,

    Hi, everyone! I am Mohd. Shaheer, Computer Science undergrad in freshman year. I am a GSoC contributor working on the project “Finish the web interface” for Kodi. I have been working on this project for the past 3 months. This blog post contains my experience through phase 2 (Final evaluation) of GSoC and an overview of my work during that period. In my previous blog, I wrote about my work up until the mid-evaluation of GSoC. You can find it here. Phase 2 (July 25th — September 5) This phase turned out to be more challenging than the previous one. During this phase, the first functionality I worked on was “Implementing the Video playback” which involved working on the …

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  15. Started by Matt,

    Time for another Alpha release for the upcoming Version 20 "Nexus" release of Kodi. As always, thanks go out to all contributors for their work - not only those in Team Kodi, but also to all the third party users that choose to roll up their sleeves and fix an issue. Everyone appreciates you for making Kodi better! Release notes Addons Some crashes in addon installation and repository checks have been corrected (ksooo, howie-f) AlwinEsch has implemented a large feature to allow multiple instances of the same binary addon. This allows, for example, two instances of a PVR addon (e.g. PVR.HTS) to run using different backend provider instances. The usage of this will…

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  16. Started by Matt,

    Hello Kodi community. This is Scott, the founder of TheTVDB. There has been some confusion related to the availability of our API and the various Kodi scrapers for TheTVDB. Hopefully I can provide some clarity. TheTVDB was originally written in a weekend in 2004, with features and data slowly expanding with varying degrees of thoughtfulness. Inevitably, some mistakes were made and the industry has changed considerably in the years since. Through a complete restructuring of data a few years ago, we attempted to not only correct past mistakes, but also become more flexible in how we accommodate edge cases and non-traditional series. This rewrite forced us to create a new …

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  17. Started by Matt,

    Slightly delayed Alpha 2, but here we go. We had a bit of a wild ride more due to behind the scenes update and changes - however, the good news is that it's given us more time for fixes and additions. Release notes Platform Specific Android Fix a stutter when the Kodi Android app was opened, closed and opened again. One of our team members (@thexai) noticed an issue with a recent PR that caused media stuttering to occur only after the app was opened and closed and reopened again without a force close. @ksooo has come up with a fix, so hopefully playback should be a better experience over Alpha 1. Another TrueHD fix - buffers reduced to a specific level to optimise d…

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  18. Started by Matt,

    So, here we go, with no further ado, we'd like to present the first Alpha releases of Kodi 20.x "Nexus". This is a major release, so, as you'd expect, it comes with many new features. However, it will inevitably cause problems for some people, which is why we'll go through a more traditional Alpha/Beta/Release Candidate model. As such, then, please be aware that installing this will inevitably break things, and we'd really like your help at that point to identify the problems and get them fixed. So, all that aside... what's actually changed? Video AV1 hardware decoding for Android. PR AV1 hardware decoding for Linux via VAAPI PR Bump to FFMPEG 4.4 PR Subtitles Add…

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  19. Hello - okay - new teeth, that’s weird. So, where was I? Oh, that’s right... Barcelona! Well, we did it. After a couple of years of pandemic-induced isolation, we managed to get most of the team together in early April for the first time in forever. We successfully brought people in from as far afield as western Canada and Australia, from Europe and from India, for a few days of brainstorming, hacking, direction-setting, updates and, yes, beer. Without straying into politics, we had notable absences, of course, from our Russian and Ukrainian team members. Stay safe, guys: you were genuinely missed. As a break from our normal day-by-day account, this year we're writing t…

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  20. Started by Matt,

    Is it too late to say "Happy New Year"? Probably, but this is still the first release of 2022, so let's go with that anyway. It's point release o'clock once more, so, without further fanfare, I give you Kodi "Matrix" 19.4: more bug fixes, some backports, no real new features. Full changelog since 19.3 on Github, as usual. Estuary Fix: Home screen context menu fix for when there are more than 10 items in menu. Fix: Seekbar wouldn't disappear after 5 sec when using remote app e.g. Kore or JSON to pause Kodi. Input Fix: English keyboard missing semi-colon. Fix: Chinese keyboard character now displaying correctly. Music Fix: Artist discography export to NFO. PVR …

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  21. Started by Matt,

    Okay, we know that we've only just released 19.2, and some of you are probably even still waiting for that, but that's a big part of the reason we need to push out a new build. We still had some challenges with the Xbox release, and some other issues came to light that we didn't want to ignore - so, rather than get into platform-specific point releases, we thought we'd just nudge up to 19.3 and go for it. As with other point releases, don't go looking for new features, as that isn't really the purpose here. Full details are on GitHub, but here's the short form... We've had some challenges getting the Xbox version released because of some specific platform requirements …

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  22. Started by Matt,

    It's been some time since we released 19.1, and numerous issues have revealed themselves and been resolved in the intervening months. As such, we're probably overdue a formal release of the updates, so, without further ado - here's the latest release in the "Matrix" series. As with other point releases, don't go looking for new features, as that isn't really the purpose here. Full details are on GitHub, but here's the short form... PVR Fixed: crash when accessing invalid PVR channel from favourites Fixed: crash on startup while searching for missing channel icons Fixed: crash on startup caused by missing timer type Fixed: "Delete permanently" of recordings from trash …

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  23. Started by Matt,

    October... the month that gave birth to the world's most famous and traditional beer festival. What's possibly better than two weeks of collective beer drinking? Under normal circumstances...probably nothing. In the so called new normal? Let's pretend we can tolerate a bit more of this social awkwardness and find an alternative way: let's just celebrate beer... and open-source. Or in Team Kodi's dictionary: just another month at the office :) For yet another year, Kodi is participating as a project in Hacktoberfest. Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean. During the month of October, individuals are invited to join open-sour…

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  24. The moment is here to move to an even more optimal translation service for our application. Ultimately we have chosen Weblate, and its service will be hosted at https://kodi.weblate.cloud/. This is done to optimize our workflow and to allow easy inclusion of all add-ons in the official Kodi add-on repository. The transition has taken its time during at least the last year, so if you have made any requests at Transifex for new languages or team additions in that period, we're sorry we couldn't implement them. All current translations have been transferred to Weblate, and we would like to thank you for all your efforts in making Kodi the multi-lingual success it is. We h…

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  25. Many of you will probably be aware that, since the dawn of time, each version of Kodi takes a vaguely sci-fi/fantasy/movie-themed name, in alphabetical order (Ed: no, don't ask what happens after we get to Z). This has become common practice throughout the IT industry - look at iOS, Android, Ubuntu, Intel chips, and similar: it provides a useful and friendly way to refer to a release without getting tied up in numbers and decimal points. Anyway, over the past 13 years or so we've chewed through Atlantis, Babylon, Camelot, Dharma, Eden, Frodo, Gotham, Helix, Isengard, Jarvis, Krypton, Leia and Matrix ... and, as we branch the code for the next release, it's time to bestow…

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