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Everything posted by starslayer74

    Oscars Best Actress Winners for the years 1927-1957 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org
  1. View File Best Actress 1927-1957 Oscars Best Actress Winners for the years 1927-1957 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
    Oscars Best Actress Winners for the years 1958 - 2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org
  2. View File Best Actress 1958-2022 Oscars Best Actress Winners for the years 1958 - 2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
    Oscars Best Picture Winners for the years 1927-1957 Data was obtained from oscars.org and posters from tmdb.org and theposterdb.com
  3. View File Best Picture 1927-1957 Oscars Best Picture Winners for the years 1927-1957 Data was obtained from oscars.org and posters from tmdb.org and theposterdb.com Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
    Oscars Best Picture Winners for the years 1958-2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and posters from tmdb.org and theposterdb.com
  4. View File Best Picture 1958-2022 Oscars Best Picture Winners for the years 1958-2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and posters from tmdb.org and theposterdb.com Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
    Oscars Best Actor Winners for the years 1927-1957 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org
  5. View File Best Actor 1927-1957 Oscars Best Actor Winners for the years 1927-1957 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
    Oscars Best Actor Winners for the years 1958-2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org
  6. View File BestActor 1958-2022 Oscars Best Actor Winners for the years 1958-2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
    Oscars Best Supporting Actor Winners for the years 1936-2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org
  7. View File Supporting Actor 1936-2022 Oscars Best Supporting Actor Winners for the years 1936-2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
  8. View File Supporting Actress 1936-2022 Oscars Best Supporting Actress Winners for the years 1936-2022 Data was obtained from oscars.org and photos from tmdb.org Submitter starslayer74 Submitted 12/13/2023 Category Trivia  
  9. Just tried changing to a 16:9 format. 1380x776 2SupportingActor1936_1380x776.webp
  10. That is what the issue is.
  11. That is odd.... I'm in the free version and it shows my save options as this: So I assumed that my image was 1380x760. Edit: I just checked the images I uploaded to the forum, and they are showing 1380x760 on my computer. Maybe the forum re-sized them to fit in the message?
  12. I'm getting ready to fully generate my Oscar slides. My version of Canva (free) is limited to generate at 1380x760 but I am considering upgrading to save them at a higher resolution. I'm not sure what resolution to save at, so I wanted to get some input on that. Also, since this has been a labor of love, I am considering using an online file resizer for free but I wasn't sure about quality of that vs exporting them from Canva at the higher resolution.... All total we're looking at approximately 500 slides covering Best Actor, Best Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, and Best picture winners from the very first Oscars to 2022. I attached some examples (using dummy data on the example because I was working on mock-ups) My next project is going to be movie quotes slides but I'm struggling determining how to format those. Also a word of caution for anyone who wants to create slides: DON'T TRUST WIKIPEDIA OR AI - Neither one of them provided accurate information for Oscars data. I was cross checking my AI generated data and discovered HUGE glaring issues including years, winners names, etc. I ended up going straight to the Oscars website to get accurate information, even though it required more manual work on my side.
  13. I have some slides I want to make, specifically Oscar related. I have the data with the names, years, etc.... links to the posters and actor images from TMDB, and I have a background. Now I'm struggling with finding a way to bulk create the slides so they can all have text/photos in the same spots and sizes.... I tried canva but it looks like I would need to download and resize every photo or poster manually first, I was hoping there was some way to do a bulk import and have it pull down the images. I did find another site that would let me do that but their pricing was a little high for my tastes..... does anyone have any suggestions?
  14. This helped immensely! I appreciate the assistance, I've got it up and running and yes, now I've got some other ideas too 🙂
  15. Ok, I have it up and running. I can turn the bulbs on and off, and change colors/brightness in the Home Assistant dashboard.... I am clay in your hands 🙂
  16. I really appreciate that. I'm going to build a little HA server on an old Raspberry PI and I'll report back when I have it up and running. Thank you for the assistance!
  17. Assuming I could get the lights to talk to Home Assistant, is there a way to trigger it using HA commands in Preshow Experience?