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Module: Trailers

The settings for the Trailers module include:

Source - Select your trailer source from the following options:

  • Content

    • Source filter (scraper) - Select from the scrapers selected in your settings.  Scrapers include:

      • PreShow Trailers Folder - These are any trailers that you have in the Trailers folder in your PreShow content directory.

      • Kodi Database - These are YouTube trailers for movies on your system

      • Apple iTunes - iTunes trailers from the apple site..

      • The Movie Database - These are YouTube trailers from TMDB.

    • Content order - Select how your content is selected:

      • Newest

      • Random

  • Directory

    • Path - Select a folder on your system that may contain multiple files to be selected randomly

  • Single File

    • File - Select a single trailer file to show.

Count - The number of trailers to be shown.

Rating Limit - Options include:

  • None - Allows any trailers of any ratings

  • Max - Limit the ratings to a selected in the Max setting below

  • Match Feature - Filters trailers with a rating that matched the feature film

Match feature genre - Selects trailers with one of the same genres as the feature film

Filter for 3D based on feature - Will play 3d trailers, if available

Quality - select your preferred resolution of 720 or 1080 

Volume (% of current) - Sets the volume for trailers