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Different languages for scraped trailers

  • Views: 718
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Hello everyone,

I think it would be nice if there was an option for changing the language of trailers. 
This could also be done by using the systems language. 
As far a I have seen there is currently no option for that but I might have overlooked it.

I don‘t know if that‘s easy possible but I really would appreciate it in a future version. 

Thanks for your work and have a nice day!

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I believe most, if not all, trivia slides are basically jpg files. I’m not sure how you could change the language on those on the fly.

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I fully agree that this will not work for trivia.

But I mean the scraped trailers. 
I think it should be possible if the scrapers allow a flag for the language.

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  • Administrator

I'll reevaluate this at a later date, but I don't think there is a realistic way to do this with the trailer sources that we are using today.  

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